Peace at Last

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 The nightmare is over. Maansiirtokone lay bleeding in the dirt, but he then started chuckling. He slowly lifted his head and stared at Dýr. He started into the empty socket and chuckled more, making the ground tremble around them. Dýr remained still, staring down at Maansiirtokone and let loose a low growl, a warning. Maansiirtokone looked at him and stopped chuckling, sadness clouding his eyes.

"Dýr, don't let me die. I'll change, I'll bend to your rules and I promise I won't do this again. Just don't let me die."

"You do not deserve life nor death. You deserve something more."

The half of Dýr's mauled face contorted into a sinister smile, Maansiirtokone trembled before the great wolf. His skeletal pattern seemed to become brighter, the fog around Dýr and Maansiirtokone swirled around them like an ice cold hurricane. Frost started to form around Maansiirtokone's many legs and the grass around them was frozen solid and had frost starting to form on them. Dýr's teeth snapped together, not from the cold but from anger. Some frost clung to his fur but it immediately blew away from the high winds.

"Dýr, I'm begging you to not do this"

Dýr didn't answer Maansiirtokone's begging. The only sound that Dýr made was the winds flowing through his bones. The winds and fog then started to wrap around Maansiirtokone, slowly lifting the beast off the ground, making more frost start to grow. Maansiirtokone started to panic, feeling his insides start to slowly freeze, growing from his legs and up his long armored body. Dýr never once said a word, just stared as the once great beast slowly froze before him. Escaping the hurricane of Dýr's ice cold fog was nothing but a missing miracle. Maansiirtokone closed his eyes, feeling frost started to grow on them, but he quickly opened them and tried to strike. It was no use, his venom was frozen solid, getting stuck in his long hypodermic fangs. He had fury in his face but fear forever frozen in his eyes. The hurricane slowed and started to dissipate, the fog lingered but no longer swirled. There stood the forever frozen body of Maansiirtokone.

"The nightmare is over."

 The others all came running, hoping to aid Dýr but all they found was a frozen mass and Dýr staring into the terrified eyes. Soarin glided down to Dýr and stared, seeing the scarlet venom frozen in his fangs. Her color lightened, turning back to stark white fur and feathers with soft pink tips. Dýr looked down to her talons, to her face then back to Maansiirtokone. It was like she was piecing together a puzzle, looking around the creature and back to Dýr. She was about to say something but Dýr interrupted her.

"Yes, you're right. I know how much you love solving puzzles. I also know that you carry a little red book with you, is that where you keep your findings?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I am older than Hayden by at least ten thousand years. Líf and I have both watched the paths you all took, deals made and bonds forged and broken."

 Soarin nodded and giggled, Dýr chuckled lightly and nudged her. There in his ribs laid a black leather book with an eagle feather sticking out from behind the cover. Soarin reached up as Dýr lowered himself so she could easily grab the book.

"What's this?"

"Something that Líf had me put together. It's all the answers you need."

Soarin looked to Dýr with tears streaming down her feathered cheeks. Dýr gently wiped away her cheek and chuckled. That's when Dýr turned and started walking away from Soarin his fog was light and trailed on like a great trench coat. Fáelán looked down at the frozen mass then looked to Dýr. The black and white wolf walked past but Fáelán followed close behind.

"Is there something wrong?"

"What happened back there? Will he be frozen forever?"

"Yes, he will be frozen until the end of time. That is when his judgment shall be passed down."

Fáelán paused and thought, Dýr walked past the young pup. He then approached Véttr and sat before him. Véttr's fur stood on end but relaxed when he saw Dýr smile. He was always on edge around Dýr but this time he was starting to relax and be much less on edge.

"Véttr, would you mind summoning Wolfram and his fleet? I have a feeling I know where Fáel and Yvette have snuck off to during the dinner."

Véttr nodded and howled, summoning Wolfram and his fleet. The raven was a bit hesitant to meet Véttr's gaze but he simply bowed and opened his wings. The fleet of crows hid in the blackened forest with their black eyes peeking out from shadows, branches and leaves. They were loyal to Véttr and Wolfram. But that little raven was impossibly cherished by Véttr. He was his right hand. The crows always relayed messages to Wolfram who would then relay them to Véttr. Even sending messages went like that.

"Where are you going?"

"Do not worry about me dear brother, I shall return."

Véttr nodded, he knew Dýr wouldn't take long, his methods were effective and efficient.the mighty wolf then stood and stretched a little. It would be only a brief walk but one he wouldn't mind. After all, that willow was just a tiny sapling the last time he saw it. And it held great importance to both Fáel and,though she didn't know it yet, Yvette. . 

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