Meeting the Other Wolves

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"Fáelán? I thought Fáel told you to not come down here?"

"Only if I had a nightmare. Ulf always helped chase them away."

"Well he can't do much chasing now, can he?

Fáelán started growling.

"Oh come now, I'm only teasing."

A wolf with pearl eyes stepped out of the darkness. His fur was black as midnight and faded to pale blue on his hips and tail.

"Véttr, leave him alone."

Véttr started snarling. Then walked over to Ulf.

"Why must you baby him? Still having him run to you when he has a nightmare! Your pathetic Ulf."

"Say's you Véttr? You're no older than I am."

"But I didn't betray Fáel."

"I'm asking for his forgiveness! I want to go back to helping the mortals have a plentiful harvest!"

"Ah yes, that's right. Fáel's chains combined with our magic have you completely stuck. Making you completely powerless."

"Just get Fáel! Please, I'm begging."

Ulf started whimpering. He needed to be set free. Tears fell down my cheeks when I heard him whimpering and whining. Véttr huffed.

"Fine, I'll go talk to Fáel. don't yell at me if he decided to tear into you."


A raspy voice called from the darkness. I peeked from behind the rock a little and saw a wolf with decaying flesh and white skeletal markings on his fur. He was missing one eye, the right was just an empty black socket, the left eye was a ghostly white color. Véttr paused. Fear was plastered on his face."D-Dýr?"

"Whoooo elssse?"

The wolf then approached the other three, then stood in front of Véttr.

"Fáelll told yyyou to leave Fáelánnnn and Ulllllfffff alone. Only toooo check and ssssseeeeee if your stars are still compressssssed."

"Th-that's what I was doing."

The wolf then inhaled. It was raspy and sharp.

"You liieeeee."

Dýr then lifted his head and howled.

"Nonono please! I'll go now!"

Véttr then started running out. Dýr stopped howling and lowered his head.

"How arre you Ullff?

"Better, thanks to you and Fáelán."

"I smeellll another lifffe fromm. A female. A mooorrrtallll"

Dýr approached me. I was afraid because I knew he was powerful.

"Nooo needed to feeaaar meee."

I poked my head out to see an empty socket facing me, while a beautiful blue eye faced me. He sniffed the air.

"Aaahhhh, youuu were Elanaaaa's frienndd. Sheee told me allll abouuutt youuuu. Ssshhheee isss noww with heerrr fammilllyyy."



"I hope she is happy."


Dýr then inhaled.

"Youuu want tooo heelllp usss."

"If I am allowed."

"Youuu aaarrre. Buttt weee mussst goooo. Ffffáelánnnn appproochessss."

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