A Bountiful Harvest

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 Ulf led me around his garden. There were fruits, vegetables and beautiful flowers. Each row had a sign that read what they were. He smiled at me and whispered.

"Hope you don't mind getting muddy."

He then approached a row of sunflowers, scraping against them, gathering some seeds. I then wandered off, exploring the new territory. I then stopped and knelt down.


I looked at the plants. Beautiful red fruit hung on the stems. I picked one and took a bite. It was so sweet and juicy! I then started harvesting some more. I wonder what I can make with these. Perhaps some jam or jelly? A desert? There could be infinite possibilities and infinite combinations with whatever else is in this garden. I looked around and saw a beautiful basket. I went over and grabbed it, placing the strawberries inside. I wandered around more and saw many new things. I then paused when something caught my eye. I knelt down and set the basket down. I looked at the sign and it read.

"Russet burbank potatoes."

I walked through but I didn't really see anything.That's when an idea came to mind. I got down and started digging. There they were. A dusty brown much like how Ulf's paws were before he cleaned em. They were rather large but had a nice earthy smell. Some had rather odd shapes but they looked rather delicious. I placed them with the strawberries, making sure they weren't squished, and went on with the harvest. I wandered around harvesting more fruits and vegetables, I even saw some herbs and that's when Ulf caught my eye. He was with a patch of daisies making something. I decided to go and have a look.

"Hey Ulf, what are you making?"

He turned to me and smiled. He held up a beautiful flower crown. He stood up and gently placed it on my head. I giggled and thanked him. Ulf smiled down at me, his emerald eyes sparkled like the lake before us. 

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