Summoning the Voice of Mortals

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 I bid farewell to Fáelán as I made my way through the forest, heading to Fáel's cabin. I've noticed that he's been on edge around me lately. Could it because Hayden took the mortal he has a crush on? I honestly didn't know that she was taken by him. I'd never cause any type of harm to her. Especially since he could easily lock me away again or worse. I then found myself smelling something that reminded me of an apple orchard. He was home. I quickly changed from my wolf form and went up to the door. I knocked twice and heard his shoes click against the hardwood flooring. The door opened with a soft creek and there he stood.

"Hello Ulf, or shall I say, Liam."

I rolled my eyes. Hearing that name roll off his tongue made me feel off. I prefer a mortal speaking my name rather than one of my brothers.

"Hello Fáel, may I come in?"

"But of course."

He took a step to the side and allowed me to walk in. I looked around and felt at ease. The sweet smell, crackling fire, and warm amber glow made a cozy environment. He then walked ahead of me and headed to his kitchen, hearing plates and other dishes rattle.

"So what brings you here little brother?"

"I come bearing a message. Something that you might not like to hear."

Fáel then walked over with a couple of plates, two small bowls, forks, knives and spoons. I tilted my head as I watched him place it on the table. He then motioned for me to sit at the table with him. I approached and saw that he was making my favorite thing to eat. Apple smoked pork tenderloin with some spiced cinnamon apple sauce. I smiled and started salivating as my stomach growled and rumbled. Fáel chuckled and motioned for me to dig in.

"What is this for Fáel?"

"I cannot treat my little brother to a meal? Come now Ulf, we are past that bitter rivalry."

I huffed and looked at the meal. The rub on the meat, the smell of the apple wood, and the sweet cinnamon applesauce filled my nose. Fáel smiled at me and started eating. I gave in, cutting into the meat and putting it into my salivating mouth. The meat was tender and full of juice. Exploding with flavor.

"So tell me, what is this message that you hold?"

"We are to hold a council. Since you are the voice of mortals, I would highly suggest that you attend."

"What is this council for?"

"Hayden has a plan to get rid of the creature sinking villages. I spoke to Soarin and she is in, so is Fáelán. I just need you and the others."

Fáel's eyes stared at me, like he was trying to see if I was lying or not. I sighed, finished the tenderloin and started eating the applesauce. He had an angry look in his eyes but he knew I wouldn't betray him like I did so long ago.

"Fine, but Dýr must be head of this council. Since it was his original idea to create this."

I nodded and got up to leave. Walking towards the door I heard Fáel chase after me and made me stop in my tracks before I could reach for the door.

"Tell me Ulf, you both aren't scheming against me are you? You are aware of the consequences if you are."

"I'm aware."

He then stepped out of my way as I walked out of the door and into the forest. I started walking as Fáel watched me leave. His eyes burned into the back of my skull. I shifted and started running to the highest peak. If Véttr was going to be anywhere but the cave, it would be there. 

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