Delivering the List

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 After writing down everything that was needed, I walked out of the little home and made my way to the barn. Ulf saw me enter and smiled, approaching and shrinking. I handed him the list and his emerald eyes scanned the pages. He smiled bigger and chuckled.

"Labeled every room and even added decorations. Nice!"

I chuckled. Ulf loved keeping busy and building objects or furniture. It made him happy, much like his secret garden. He then looked to Fáel and showed him the list. Fáel smiled and nodded and Ulf followed me to the little house. When we were far enough from Fáel, I turned to Ulf and looked into his deep emerald eyes.

"Ulf? May I ask you something?"

"But of course you can."

"When I was going through the house, I saw these...figurines."

"Figurines? Of what?"

"They were deer. The does had opal hooves and the stag had large opal antlers."

Ulf looked at me confused. I then took him into the house and led him to the small figurines. He started to examine them carefully and stared at the stag. Something about it piqued his curiosity. I wanted to ask him if those creatures ever existed but I could manage to get the words out of my mouth. Almost like they couldn't form properly. Shifting his gaze, he looked at the fawns. Tiny creatures, prancing, laying and playing. He took a closer look and noticed one was missing a limb.


"What is it?"

"Were they real?"

"That is a story for another time Fáelán. I must get to work now."

I nodded and walked out of the house, heading to the barn. Fáel was sweeping away old mounds of hay with his large bushy tail. His golden eyes saw me with my head hanging low as I went back to my wolf form. He walked over and nudged me gently, trying to get my attention. I looked up to him and gave a weak smile. He smiled back at me and continued to sweep away.

"What's the matter, Fáelán?"

"Nothing. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"You can help me with clearing out this barn. Lots of dust and hay that need to be cleared out of this place."

I smiled and started sweeping with Fáel. We cleaned the barn and looked around more. I sniffed the ground and smelt cattle and horses. Looking around, I saw saddles, saddle bags, and a few bridles. My ears twitched and I looked up. Seeing the second floor, I went up on my hind legs and took a small peek. I saw farming equipment, buckets and some braided rope.

"What do you see up there?"

"Some farming equipment, a few buckets and a lot of braided rope. But nothing to be concerned about."

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