Where Did Everyone Go?

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 I walked into the cave and saw that Véttr wasn't there either. Where did they all go? Maybe Ulf is still around. Or maybe Dýr has some answers. I really hope I didn't do something wrong. I started running around the forest more, trying to find any of the brothers or any sign of life. There were no little critters or anything else. The forest was dead quiet, no wind or anything. Chills ran down my spine, the forest was never this quiet. Even when I was a child, there was always a sound. Wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves, deer running through the forest and jumping over the river and owls hooting. But this time, there was nothing. Just the sound of my feet thumping against the forest floor. I was terrified of what was happening. Did I seriously mess things up by healing Dýr?

"Hello? Any one out here?"

There was no answer. I kept wandering the forest. Until I noticed I was at the place where I healed Dýr. I looked around and saw nothing but decaying plants and skeletons. The giant rib cage was still there. So I walked over to it and leaned my head on the first rib. Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. Thinking of everything I could've done differently. That's when it hit me. The bottle I took from Dýr's chest, maybe there could be answers in that book and somehow connect the bottle to it. I pulled my head away from the rib and turned around. I was about to start running when I finally saw a sign of life. A paw print. Specifically a bony paw print. No padding, just claws and bones.

"Dýr was here."

I knelt down and looked in the print's direction. Heading west, towards the runes. Why would he be heading there? Very strange. I then had a choice. Find Dýr or look more into the glowing potion. I wasn't sure which to follow. But then again, I was curious about both. Maybe I should just focus on one and then explore the other. I shook my head away from those thoughts. I then looked over to the forest and ran towards my home. I needed to see if this bottle meant anything. I then quickly started sprinting, I felt eyes on me, like something was hunting me. I ran past Fáel's house but paused, like something in there was calling me. I walked to the cabin and opened the door. I followed the feeling and explored. Past the bedroom and to a basement. For some reason, whatever it is, is calling me here. I opened the door and looked down the stairs. Black as coal. I grabbed a candle and started walking down the stairs.

"Is someone down here?"

I heard some dripping and the wood creaking below my weight. The candle didn't do much for light but it illuminated the walls just enough to where I saw the end of the staircase. I looked around and saw not much at first. Some cobwebs and old furniture. But then, my eye caught a bookshelf. Barely touched by the dust. I walked over to it and started examining the books. Something was definitely built here and hidden behind the bookshelf. Maybe William knows about this. He is an engineer after all. Maybe Fáel hired him to hide whatever is behind the bookshelf and the only way to move it is some sorta mechanism. 

"William must know something about that. Perhaps he has a sketch of how it works somewhere in his workshop."

I quickly walked out of the cabin and saw Dýr's fog in the distance. I started running towards my cabin just to grab Henrietta. Dýr's eye started to glow and he was extremely close to my home. Tears flooded my eyes and I tried to run faster. I was almost there. Just a little closer and I'll be by her side. I busted in through the door and ran to her side, scooping her up and holding her very close. Her soft clucks gave me some comfort but I got up and was about to run out the door when it suddenly slammed shut, almost catching my fingers. I gasped and stumbled back, seeing Véttr standing there. His head was hung low, his hands were clenched in a fist but they let loose. He had his black fading to pale blue hair on a bun, allowing me to see his scarred face. Probably from the small stars he makes as a wolf. His pearl colored eyes suddenly looked up at me. I took a few steps back as he approached.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know everything you know."

His vice was calm and his voice was low. I kept backing away as he approached. I gulped and got ready to run with Henrietta in my arms. He approached more slowly, trying to not look menacing. He then sighed as it wasn't working on me. He then sat on the floor and looked up at me. I looked at him confused. Why would he sit down? Especially in the conditions outside.

"Véttr, do you know something that I don't?"

"I might."

"Well, spill it. I don't wanna be in the dark on this."

He looked up at me and smirked. He then motioned for me to sit on the floor. I looked down at Henrietta, I trust more than a wolf I barely know. She clucked and I started approaching Véttr. I sat down onto the hard stone floor and looked at him. He kept smirking and held up the spell book. Chills ran down my spine, making him smile more.

"This book. Explain how you got it, now!"

I flinched a little but started trembling. He lifted a brow, waiting for my explanation. I trembled as I explained how. He looked a little angry with me but then he huffed. At least he knows that it's not my book. But more than likely he could care less. His pearl eyes scanned each page carefully and chuckled to himself.

"Do you even know who made this book?"


"Elana's great grandmother, Ellie. She knew of our existence much like you but practiced witchcraft. She tried for years to somehow fix Dýr's fate with that fight. But you, you stole something from him. I can smell it."

I froze. Taking a gulp out of fear. 

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