A Young Earth

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 Dýr stood before a great ocean, seeing the creatures run around with perfect balance. Ulf was learning to control his gift, Fáelán was talking with animals, Véttr was summoning small stars for Vatn and Soarin was collecting herbs for remedies. Líf slowly glided down and landed on a nearby tree branch. Looking at Dýr then the young wolves, she smiled.

"They're going to do great things, I'm sure of it."

"I don't doubt you, my dear. I know your designs never fail. But I do worry about one."


Dýr looked down then turned his head to the west, seeing a small centipede's body with the head of a large cobra. Líf followed his gaze and furrowed her brows, seeing the creature walk on the ground carefully examining the trees, grass and cool river flowing through the slowly growing forest and into Vatn's lake. Dýr's pale eyes were locked onto the creature but Líf just stared at Dýr's skull-like pattern in his fur. Her blue feathers ruffled as she turned her attention to the little pups. Watching them roughhouse and learn their new responsibilities as guardians. Though Fáel was playing around, he hadn't quite discovered his new role and responsibilities. His calling will come soon, and she was going to be there to see it. That's when they both heard someone approaching.

"Ah, Hayden, I see you have received my message."

"I have, how are they doing?"

"They are learning their new responsibilities and roles as guardians well. But I need you to keep an eye on one of them."

"Which one?"

"Ulf. I need you to be his advisor, since you are as old as we are."

"I will keep a close eye on him and alert you of his doings."

"Good lad, come, would you like to watch?"

"No, I have a few things to get settled on. I will join you in a brief moment."

Dýr nodded and turned his attention back to the wolves. Seeing them interact like brothers was what he wanted, they all laughed and played. Líf looked to her lover with a puzzled expression. Dýr noticed this look and gave her the same look.

"What is it?"

"I know you plan on telling them that you're one of their brothers, but I must know exactly how you plan on executing this plan."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't remember much."

Líf nodded and smiled. She knew he was going to tell them the truth but she didn't know when he would. That was always Dýr's specialty, never knowing when he'll strike. But over the years of knowing him, she knew everything he planned. It was almost like a dance or a chase that would never end, one created life and the other took it away. 

"So, what is this little project that Hayden is settling on? I saw something in those eyes."

"He's helping me create a whole new species.

Dýr hummed and looked at her, smiling. Though he hid something behind that smile. Almost like he knew his future to full extent. 

Wolves BaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon