Making Supper

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 Once Henrietta finished eating, I wrapped her up in a blanket and gently started rocking her to sleep. I then started to hum 'The Wolf Song' and gently stroked her feathers. Henrietta's eyes started to get heavy, and her head slowly started to lower. This lullaby was the only thing I had left from Elana. She used to sing it to me when I was a child. I couldn't remember the words but I did remember how it sounded. As Henrietta started to fall asleep, I gently picked her while still humming the lullaby, and carried her off to a bed. Pulling the blanket back, I gently laid Henrietta down and pulled the blanket over her. Just in time to end the song.

"Good night my dear, I will see you in the rising sun."

I crept away from the sleeping hen and softly shut the door, leaving it cracked open. I walked back to the kitchen and noticed that it was much quieter. Had the creature gone back to where I found it? Brushing those thoughts aside, I went back to trying to figure out what I should prepare. It was going to be only me eating, but what? That's when an idea popped up in my head. A nice wild autumn stew with chanterelles. I started looking through and grabbed some onions, chanterelles, reindeer, a handful of thyme, some venison stock, heavy cream, sunflower oil, some butter, and salt and pepper.

"Alright, let's see if I can remember how Elana made this."

I chopped the onion finely and then started to sauté it without browning them. Grabbing a wooden spoon, I mixed them around so they don't burn as well. I divided the chanterelles into two and put some aside for a garnish and continued frying. Taking the mix of onions and chanterelles on a plate, turned up the heat and started to fry the meat in two batches, seasoned with salt and pepper. Returning the mixture to the pan, I added the thyme and stock. Since I was using shaved reindeer meat, I cooked it on medium heat without the lid on until the stock was reduced by half. Finally, I added the cream and continued to cook until it thickened a bit and adjusted the seasoning to my taste. Once the stew was finished, I garnished it with the chanterelles fried in butter, some sprigs of thyme and some lingonberries. I grabbed a bowl and ladle and started serving myself some soup. 

"Hopefully it's as good as Elana's stew."

I set down the bowl at the table and grabbed a wooden spoon. Sitting down on a chair, I dipped the spoon in the stew and raised it to my lips. I sipped it carefully so I do not burn my lips and tongue. I smiled softly and hummed. It only slightly tasted like when she made it but it still brought me back to when I was a child. I missed those times, it was simpler but enjoyable. Some days I wonder if things would've ended differently. I then started thinking about the time I met the wolves. What if I never met them? What would my life be like then? Would I have been captured like William was? William! Oh dear, I do hope he survived!

"Oh Will, please be alive. I already lost Elana and almost lost Henrietta. I cannot lose you too."

Tears fell down my cheeks as I set down my spoon. I started crying harder but had to calm myself. I didn't wish to wake up Henrietta. Whipping my tears away, I finished my stew and started to clean up. I also noticed I had some left over. I looked as to how much was left, there was about enough for three more people. I smiled softly and wondered who I could give it to. Maybe the wolves? Perhaps they'd enjoy it. Although they are pretty big, maybe they would still enjoy the warm stew. I got up quietly and grabbed the diamond that Ulf gave me. Could this open the doors? I started walking to the large stone doors. Glancing around the long hallway, seeing a carving of the wolves with some scaled beast lining the top. It looked huge, long and had armor.

"Was that the thing that caused the ground to shake?"

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