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I wandered around a little more when I finally caught a scent. It was Oliver's odor. I smiled to myself and followed the scent. I then started to smell Greta. But no Hayden? Where could that traitor have gone? That's when I heard Greta's voice.

"Damnit Olly! I told you we were lost. If you hadn't eaten that apple tart, we'd be there by now!"

"I'm sorry Greta, you know how I am. I love mortal food. Especially apples!"


"Shut it! I knew I should've told the boss about you. All you can think about is food! You didn't even bother to help immobilize that mortal! Instead, you were stuffing your fat ass with tarts!"

I smiled to myself. They're still bickering after a millennia of working together. Maybe some things don't change with time like I once thought. That's when I took one of my claws and started drawing runes. Creating a hidden barrier spell to keep them captive. I then howled softly and the runes started to glow. Only I could see the wall of runes surrounding the two imbeciles. Oliver started to stomp away from Greta and walked right into the wall.

"What the..."

I then stepped out and looked down on them like a king to the royal fool. His ears went down when he saw me and Greta started staring in disbelief. Her jaw dropped as her eyes bulged out of their sockets. Oliver wore the same expression. Fear spiraled in their eyes when they finally met my gaze. Greta shook her head and started snarling and tried attacking. She was just as feisty as I remember. I chuckled at her attempts.

"You trying to attack me is rather pathetic, runt. I could easily crush you in brimstone before you even lay a claw on me."

Greta huffed and bared her teeth at me. I just chuckled at her pathetic attempts to intimidate me. I then lowered myself to her level and bared my teeth at her. Her ears lowered and she backed down from her aggressive stance. I then turned to Olver and he lowered his mangled ears and avoided eye contact. I smirked at them and then sat down.

"Now, tell me where Hayden is."

"He's fixing a problem that not even your peanut sized brain could fathom."

I snarled and slammed my paw on the ground. Making the world shake and rumble. Greta struggled to stand on her feet while Oliver fell down to his knees and stayed down until the ground stopped shaking.

"Please Ulf, at least listen to me. You know I'd never lie to you."

I huffed and lowered my head and stared Oliver dead in the eye. He was right, he never once lied to me after all the years that I've known him. I then sighed and laid down, preparing to hear whatever scheme Hayden had come up with. He carefully stood up and looked me in the eyes. Approaching carefully, he placed his hand in the hidden barrier.

"Oliver I swear I will swat you so hard your head falls off!"

I snarled and made the barrier go around Greta. Oliver noticed and gently placed a clawed hand upon my nose like he did when he was first discovered. I sighed and looked down at him, awaiting for what he had to say.

"Ulf.. There is something big at play. Hayden knows what it is but.. It's in the village. We are trying to evacuate the village but we can't because we are monsters. This...thing... is hyper dangerous."

I looked at Oliver and saw that he was terrified of this creature. I glanced over at Greta and saw that she was trying to tear Oliver apart. I knew I couldn;t trust her words but Oliver never once lied to me. 

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