The Clean Up

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 I went down to the river and filled a few pails of water. I grabbed a few rags and dipped them into the water. Ryan walked over and gave me a smile. I started wiping away the blood when I felt a gentle hand be placed on my shoulder. I looked over to Ryan sighed. He then grabbed a rag and started washing the fence and walls with me. Until the water became very bloody. I picked them up and took them back to the river. That's when I heard a twig snap.


I heard a low growl. I started backing up, feeling the icy water reach my ankles. Tears started falling down my cheeks. Could this be the beast that killed my chickens?

"Run little lady!"

Ryan came dashing over and ran into the bush that the beast was in. I turned towards my home and started running. I ran into my home and scooped up Henrietta. I then started running to my room. Henrietta then started snuggling me, offering me comfort.

"I'm okay my dear. I'd do anything to make sure you are safe."

She made a soft cluck and nuzzled into my neck. I gently petted her head and gently ruffled her feathers. She pulled away and fluffed then. I giggled softly, I know it annoyed her but I knew she loved me. That's when we heard something approaching. We went quiet and Henrietta covered her face in my neck, using some of my hair to cover her eyesight. I hugged her tight, bracing myself for the beast to come back with blood soaked fangs. That's when there was a knock on the door. I slowly rose to my feet and started walking to the door. That's when I stopped myself, hearing a low growl. I quickly and quietly ran to my room and lit the candle. I shakily picked it up and started walking to the door. Henrietta started making a weird noise and I stopped. I looked at her as tears ran down my red cheeks.

"I'm scared too, my darling. I have no idea what could be out there. You must trust me, you know me. I'd never hurt you and I'd never let anyone or anything hurt you."

Henrietta let out soft clucks. She knew I was telling the truth. I scratched under her beak and smiled softly. I held the candle ahead of us and approached the door more. I grabbed the handle and pulled, taking a deep breath. I opened it and saw Ryan.

"Oh thank the stars you're alright."

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