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 My mother nodded, she knew I wanted answers. She motioned for us to sit at the table and I nodded, walking to the table and sitting down on a smooth wooden chair with a comfortable cushion. Then Mother and Father both sat across from me with happy smiles. It looked like they were willing to answer anything, but were they really?

"Why did you both leave...?"

"We were looking for a new trading route, but the weather started to get rough. It was so cold the rain became ice, pelting us like pebbles. Sadly, our dear horse couldn't quite handle the weather, we had buried him by the waterfall. Ever since then, we've been stuck here ever since."

"We built a shelter here, a home. We had lost our way. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive your mother and I. We never wanted to abandon you, you were our pride and joy, our whole universe. We tried to find our way back but we just ended up back here."

As I listened to why they disappeared, I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I sniffled and wiped my tears away, looked between the two of them and stood to my feet. I walked over to them both and hugged them tight. I felt their arms wrap around me and held me just as tight, not wanting to let me go.

"I forgive you, I have always forgiven you. I thought you both passed away."

"Your mother and I wouldn't go down without a fight, we would fight to our last breath just to see you again."

We all started crying, I missed my parents. Though I had only heard stories of them, it felt like I had known them forever even though I am just now meeting them. It was getting dark outside and Father had grabbed my wicker basket and carried it to a little room and set it down on a desk. He smiled and gently kissed my forehead.

"Get some rest my dear. Tomorrow, we shall have a feast as a family."

 I smiled at him and hugged him once more. He hugged me back and left my new room. It wasn't permanent but it was something, and it was actually quite nice. There were a few things like a rocking chair, a comfortable bed and the desk that held my wicker basket. I walked to a window and peered through, seeing the light trickle down with the waterfall and seeing Dýr drinking from the lake. Although some of the water dripped out of his rib care and down his skeletal muzzle, he was satisfied. He must've noticed me watching because he gave me a sweet happy smile. He approached and I opened the window.

"How is meeting your parents going so far?"

"Wonderful, we are having a family feast tomorrow night. Will you join?"

"My dear, I do not have a mortal form remember?"

"Please Dýr, it would make my soul happy."

"Alright, I will make myself known."

I smiled and thanked him. He then left me and made his way to the front of the house. Perhaps he was going to talk to them about joining the feast? I smiled but then heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it and saw my mother standing there with a sweet smile. She then motioned for me to follow her and there stood my father and Dýr having a conversation.

"Honey? Have you met the great wolf? He's the one who spared you and your mother. He's going to join us for our feast, if that's alright?"

"Of course, I actually know him. His name is Dýr, the Wolf of Death and he has four other brothers. You actually met two of them, Mother."

Dýr nodded in agreement. Mother and father both looked at each other and chuckled while whispering to each other. They then turned to Dýr with two big smiles.

"As a thank you for sparing me and our daughter, will you and your brothers care to join our feast?"

"We would be grateful to join your feast. I will alert them and we shall bring a special meal."

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