A Murder

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 After Ryan left, I decided to look around the room I awoke in. The blanket I was under was real fur blankets. I looked at the walls and noticed many beautiful paintings. Many have wolves in them. I kept looking at them and saw a wolf head above a fireplace. It looked like it put up some sort of fight. Seeing scars. Many along the muzzle. I slowly turned and started to stand on my feet. I was a little wobbly but I started walking to the wolf head. The wolf seemed fearsome when it was once alive. That's when I heard the door open. I quickly rushed back to the bed. I pulled the blanket back up as Ryan entered the room.

"Little lady? Are you still awake?"

"Yes, yes I'm still awake."

He then entered the room and... something was wrong. I sat up and looked at him. His head lowered and I heard a soft sniffle.

"You umm...you said you had a trouble maker, yes?"

"I did. Her name is Henrietta."

He then approached the bed with something in hand. I tilted my head and furrowed my brows. That's when he got on one knee and held his hands closed.

"What is it?"

His hands open to reveal feathers. But they weren't Henrietta's feathers.

"These aren't her feathers. What happened!"

"Many of your chickens were mauled. Henrietta, I placed her in your home."

"I must go see her. Take me to her! Now!"

He nodded and took me home. It looked like a murder. Many feathers and blood covered the coop. I quickly ran to the door and swung it open, to see Henrietta shaking and making what sounded like a cry. I ran to her and scooped her up.

"It's okay my darling. I'm here now, I'll protect you."

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