Ulf's Present

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 Being with Ulf was an amazing time. His home was a beautiful handmade creation. Ulf smiled down at me, showing me his large teeth. I tilted my head as I saw that one of his teeth was a beautiful silvery color with a small light pink scar on his lip.

"What happened there?"

"What? My tooth?"


He then started chuckling, gently licking the scar.

"I got into a small fight with Véttr when we were pups. I don't quite remember why we fought but one of his claws snagged one of my teeth and ripped it out while trying to get away. He also cut my lip in the process."

I reached up and gently rubbed his nose. He chuckled and allowed me to pet his nose. It was a little rough and dry but I didn't really mind. He pulled away and shifted into his mortal version.

"So, what do us, mortals, call you when you're in this form?"

"You all seemed to like calling me Liam."

"Liam huh? I like that."

"So did I when I first heard it. It suits me."

I smiled up at the man. Those emerald eyes were so captivating.

"But please, do make yourself comfortable. I wouldn't want my first guest to feel like a stranger. My humble abode is yours. You may come and go as you please."

"And if you aren't here?"

"That's a simple thing. Here."

Ulf then opened the ground before me and pulled up a piece of coal. He closed his hands around it, blew on it and squeezed before whispering something in a strange language. Then, a thin piece of gold and silver snaked down and Ulf started to do something with those, not letting me peek. He then held up a beautiful diamond on a silver and gold chain. It sparkled in the golden light with small runes carved into it.

"Ulf...it's beautiful."

"This is how you can come and go, my flower. These runes will open the stairway to my home, even if I'm not down here."

I looked up as tears sparkled in my eyes and down my cheeks.

"May I put it on you?"

"Yes, yes of course."

I turned away from him and lifted my long copper hair. The diamond appears in front of me for a few seconds before I felt it lay on my chest. Ulf then finished putting it on and I dropped my hair. I then turned to him and looked at myself in a silvery piece of glass laced with silver vines. It was beautiful. I hugged Ulf tight and thanked him. Ulf chuckled and embraced me back. He then pulled away and chuckled some more until he heard a rumbling. He then started growling.

"Get in my room and hide in there. Now!"

I quickly scrambled to his room and hid underneath the bed. He started snarling and ripped the ground open, revealing boiling magma. He lowered his snout into the fresh hole and came back out with lava dripping out of his mouth. He then roared at the stairway revealing daylight leaking in on the walls. I then saw a familiar shadow...

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