Freeing Ulf

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The wolves looked at each other. Fáel started the howl, his claws dug into the ground as the chains slowly started to release Ulf. Then, Véttr started to howl. Making stars hover around Ulf, as they compressed they merged into the chains, causing them to glow. Suddenly, Dýr let out a bone chilling howl, seeing fog surround him and Ulfs wounds from the chains. Then, Fáelán let out the most musical howl, summoning many critters to help unbind Ulf from the dirt and roots. When they finished howling, Fáel stepped forward.

"I hereby unbind thy spell! You may walk amongst mortals."

He then let out a mighty roar, then small flakes started to leave Ulf. He started to stand but fell. Fáel walked over to him and helped him up.

"Are you coming, Véttr?"

"No I'll uh, I'll catch up."

Fáel rolled his red eyes and walked out with Ulf and Fáelán. Dýr looked down at me and tilted his head. Then he lowered his head and started to whisper.

"Leet'sss goooo, Vvvvvéttr needsss timmme allooone."

I climbed onto his head and we left Véttr to himself. I looked at Dýr's skull. Slome parts of it were cracked. Some were deeper than others.

"What happened? What caused all these cracks?"

"Theeyyy arre froommm annn acccidentt. Iiii cann shhhowww youuu."

"Please? Only if it doesn't hurt you."

"Noooo neeed. It doooessnt huurttt."

We eventually caught up with Fáel, Ulf and Fáelán. All three of them transformed into their human forms. And seeing Ulf in his human form was much different. He had few scars but had a decent build. I looked down at Dýr, something was wrong.

"What's wrong Dýr?"

"Myyyy huuumannn fffooorrrm issss noottt liiiikkkke tttthhieerrss."

"It's okay, I'll help."

I gently started rubbing his cracked skull. He made a small huff. That's when he snuck off. Heading to the stones. He walked over to his circle and allowed me off.

"I'll stay inside the circle."


He dug his claws into the ground around him and let out a ghostly howl. Instead of wind swirling around us, it was fog. It felt like I was in a frozen waste land. He must've noticed my teeth chattering and my body shivering.

"Sssooorrryy fooorrrr tttthhheee cccoolllld."

"It's alright. I'm fine."

He pulled me into his warm black and white fur. The bone pattern of the white was more fuzzy then it is far away. The fog then started to settle around us. His one ear went down as he looked down at me. I looked around.

"Iiinnnnciideeenntt ssssooooonnn."

I continued to look around until I saw a wolf-like shadow. It was him. But not...torn up. He wasn't missing flesh, not yet anyway. I heard Dýr let out a sigh. I looked up at him.


I looked back at the memory playing out in front of me. Helooked like he was leading many souls to, I assume, the afterlife. He used his claws to tear open a dark blue tear. One by one, they all went through. That's when a giant bear appeared. It seemed angrier than ever. Once Dýr closed the tear, he turned around and saw the bear. He tried to calm it down but to no avail. The bear slashed its mighty claw, tearing off most of his face. Dýr let out a mighty yelp as he was flung and hit a tree with a loud thump. But this bear, it didn't hold back. It stormed closer to Dýr. it started to attack, tearing into him more. That's when a low growl echoed. It was Dýr. He stood up and started snarling. That's when his left eye started to glow. It was a bright white, even the markings started to glow. He stood to his feet and started walking over to the bear. It kept trying to slash at him.

"You will suffer! Like all the creatures that have died young!"

Dýr approached the bear. He was snarling and snapping. Darkness started to leak out of his wounds. Even out of his empty eye socket. His claws dug into the ground, all around him, the ground started to rot. The fog rolled in, it was thick and extremely dark. He got low, ready to pounce. I saw the top of his skull, seeing it was smooth.

"Aaaaccciiiieeeeddeeeennnntttt ssssooooooonnn."

The bear stood on its hind legs and slammed down on his skull. There was a loud snap! Dýr barely touched the bear with his claw when it fell. He was truly the embodiment of death. He slowly got up. His skull had a huge hole and even some small cracks.

"Aaaiiiirrr tttooooxxxxiiicc."


"Daaaarrrrk fooooogggg tttooooxxxxiiiccc."

He then howled and the fog came. It was a mix of light blue and white. 

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