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 I looked at William. Tears flooded my eyes as everything started to replay in my mind. The horrid creature that took me away from-

"Henrietta! No, my sweet baby!"

William jumped at my sudden shriek. He then turned his full attention towards me and looked around.

"I didn't see her when that thing dropped you in here."

"He kicked her and made her smack into a wall! She must be so hurt and so afraid!"

I started weeping, replaying that brutal scene over and over. Hearing her smack against the cold wall and falling down, laying there motionless. Tears flooded my eyes as I dropped to my knees hugging myself. William wrapped an arm around me and tried to offer me comfort. But it didn't work as well. He couldn't tell me if she was alive or not. The only thing I could do was hope that she survived. She meant the world to me. I've had her since she was in an egg. I really hope she hasn't died from her injuries.

"Yvette, Henrietta is a strong soul, I'm sure she's okay. I have a high reason to expect death to not claim her soul. I know she means a lot to you, but I have a feeling that she survived and is looking for you right now."

I had no reason to doubt William but there was always a possibility that she didn't make it. I wonder if Ulf noticed that I'm missing. Or is he still out there looking for that creature?I hope the other villagers are still alive. What if that creature took them? What if they all died?

"Will, have you seen anyone else?"

"No, no one that I have seen at least. But I do sometimes hear whispers. They sound familiar but I'm not sure."

I sighed, perhaps they weren't taken here or they followed that strange glowing orb. I shook myself away from those thoughts. I looked at William and saw that something was off. Like he was afraid of something. But I guess I cannot blame him. Waking up in a mysterious place and not remembering or even knowing how you got there is a scary thought. Along with not knowing if anyone else you know and love are even alive or not. It's a scary thought.

"Will... those hispers you heard, can you describe them to me?"

"Sure, the first whisper that I heard was a feminine type, like Wendy's. "

Wendy...she used to run the flower shop next to Alex's butchery. She had a furious voice when she was angry but was mostly quiet and soft spoken. But her and Alex constantly fought, arguing over the animals he slaughtered. Claiming that he killed for sport. But then, Alex once said that she's killing the flowers. With them. It was like nothing could stop their bickering. William thought they were both being childish for fighting over small matters.they would bribe and beg anyone to side with them. But then again, they were both impossibly valuable to the village. Alex for his fine skills as a hunter and butcher and Wendy for her eye for beauty and interior design.

"Do you think Alex and Wendy will ever get along?"

"Well, they were once a couple, but then again, every relationship will have its ups and downs."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently! Like Ulf was digging into the ground, although, this felt like it was much bigger. Bigger and more powerful than any of the wolves combined. That's when I noticed a crack beginning to form, branching from one wall onto the others. Nudging William's arm, I pointed to it. His eyes followed where my finger was pointing and saw the cracks forming.

"That's not good..."

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