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The creature had large curly antlers, pear shaped nose holes, sharp jagged teeth with some jutting out, his muzzle had blood spattered across it, his fur was singed, exposing soft pink scars. But what really caught my attention was the eyes. The iris and pupil were absent. Just the corneas were there. Glowing a soft blue color. Henrietta screeched and ran at the creature full speed. He looked down at her and snarled, showing her his bloody jagged teeth, before kicking her against the wall.


I tried to get up and run to her side but the creature grabbed me and started dragging me away. I kept screaming and struggling in his grip to no avail. He chuckled deeply as he started walking out. That's when I saw the other two creatures. The female had long curly antlers, oily black skin with light gray fur running along her ears and down her back, she had what looked like white tears streaming down her cheeks with matching white lipstick, her eyes were a beautiful midnight blue with pale blue pupils. She must've seen me staring at her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

She had a completely different attitude towards me than she does towards her boss. Almost like she saw me as a footstool or rug. That's when the other came in. It looked almost identical to the female but had broken antlers, the left arm was gone, and the eyes looked like two bowls of milk.

"Come both of you, we have our prize."

They nodded and followed the large creature out. I then started struggling again when the female approached.

"What's that around your neck?"

"It's not yours!"

She then grabbed the diamond that Ulf gave and examined it closely. Then yanked it off my neck. She then gasped and yanked it off my neck, making the chain snap. She then scurried past the large creature and held up the diamond to the doorway. The doorway then crumbled away and the moonlight flooded the stairway. The large creature then took me off of his shoulder and set his face against me.

"What was that mortal?"

"Ulf gave it to me! Now give it back!"

"Ulf has been locked away! That old mutt should've listened to me."

He then threw me back over his shoulder and started grumbling as he carried me out of Ulf's home. The female then awaited at the entrance for her boss to walk past before throwing a hard punch at my head, making me see stars before everything went black. 

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