Who Would Do This?

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 Ulf and I walked into the little home. Fáelán had cleared out quite a lot of the broken and destroyed furniture. The kitchen had a few broken tiles but it was nothing that Ulf couldn't fix. As we ventured further into the house, the smell of iron filled the air, making our stomachs turn and twist. It was fresh. We moved to the furthest room, and saw an open door. Looking in, we saw the horrors that Fáelán described. A wolf, gutted and missing its eyes. Looking at Ulf, I saw his face twist into disgust, looking around the dark room. I walked in further and approached the poor creature. The wolf had black fur with a light gray muzzle. He was an elderly wolf, probably sixteen years of age. Nearing the end of his life. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Who in their right mind would do something like this?"

"I'm not sure but they can't be far, this is still very fresh."

We then turned our attention to the traps. Ropes, metal snares and cages far too small for an adult wolf. I got angry, knowing that the cages I saw were meant for pups. What could this person possibly be doing to small defenseless pups? The thought made me sick.

"Fáel... you might want to see this."

"What is it?"

Turning to Ulf, I saw he was standing in front of a now open closet. There, hanging on meat hooks, were pups. The pointy end of the hook impaled their bottom jaw and poked out from their mouths. Their fur was professionally removed...a master taxidermist. My stomach sank, tears flooded my eyes, and I dropped to my knees. Thinking about all of this terrified me. Then, a thought that truly made me sick came to mind.

'What if Fáelán got caught by this monster?'

I started trembling. Ulf snapped me away from my thoughts and started into my eyes. He was as distraught as I was. We both walked out of that room and out of the house. When Fáelán saw us, he ran over and hugged us both tight. When he pulled away, he looked at us both. Ulf looked at me and gave me a look that basically said.

'Do not tell him about what we've seen'

I nodded and looked at Fáelán, staring into his eyes. More tears fell down my face as I hugged my baby brother tight. I buried my face with his tannish blonde hair and broke down. He hugged me back as well as Ulf.

"What happened in there...?"

"You can't know Fáelán."

"What do we do now?"

"We need to contact Dýr, he'll know what to do."

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