Locating the Mortals

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 Looking at Oliver and sighed softly. Oliver was always a softy while Greta was the strong one. But Oliver might have been right. What if there really is something on the Earth that can hurt the mortals? I then stood to my full height and looked down at Oliver.

"Tell me, where is Hayden keeping the mortals?"

Oliver looked away, I know he was loyal to Hayden but I needed to know where he was keeping them. I needed to know if they were safe or not. Greta then started snorting, snarling and yowling. I looked over at her and lowered my face.

"What is it?"

"I know where they are. But you need to promise me that you won't keep the promise you made all those years ago!"

I pulled my head back and started thinking. I made a promise? I looked at her confused, I'm not even sure if she was lying. I then looked at Oliver with the same expression.

"You... you promised to tear open the ground and watch him melt in boiling magma if you ever saw his face again..."

I then paused. I was so angry that I promised death to my most loyal friend. How could I be so stupid, I should've listened to his advice. Tears sparkled in my eyes as the realization hit me. I should've listened!

"Please, don't follow through on that promise."

"I won't follow through."

Greta nodded then looked at Oliver.he sighed and walked over to her. They whispered to each other for a little before Oliver turned back to me and motioned for the barrier to be dropped. I glanced at Greta and saw that she had a more passive body language. I howled softly, making the runes glow and slowly fade away. She then bowed to me and seemed...apologetic.

"I..I'm sorry Ulf, for the actions that I have bestowed onto you."

"It's alright Greta. Now, lead me to Hayden. There's something we need to discuss."

Greta nodded and led the way while Oliver trialed right behind her. I followed close behind, taking in the scenery and mapping it out in my mind. It's been far too long since I had last seen Hayden, I do hope he holds no grudge against me. We walked for what felt like hours but were mere minutes. I lowered my head and looked at Greta.

"This is the place? Where Hayden is located?"

"Yes, he hasn't left since we evacuated the village nearby and...your home."

I hummed. Greta walked in first followed by Oliver. I changed into my mortal form and followed close behind. Greta didn't seem to trust me, probably thinking that I would go back on my promise. I wouldn't actually kill him, I was just angry. I wouldn't hurt him. We then entered a room with black tile flooring, planks of wood became the walls while bricks of stone formed the ceiling. This must've taken years to build because some roots have broken through some of the stone. That's when a heavy wooden door decorated with lines of silver metal snakes caught my attention. I broke away from Greta and Oliver's line of sight and went to investigate the door. I looked all around and saw a snake carved from silver with rubies for eyes, golden fangs bared and ready to strike. This must be the handle. I reached for it, feeling the cold gold on my fingertips.

"This must be where they have the mortals that they evacuated."

I pulled slightly, the door didn't budge. Locked. Hayden was always one to lock doors, keep valuable objects safe, hidden and secure. He reminded me of a mortal I once knew, the man who kept a vault of treasurers from adventures past, or anything he deemed valuable. No one could get in but him. I sometimes wonder about that man.

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