Welcome Home

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 Everyone looked at me as I pointed toward my house. As they turned their heads, they saw my parents walk out from the house and looked over to us. The butcher looked on and stared at my parents, eventually, his wife, the florist, walked up and grabbed his shoulder. My parents then walked over to the mourning couple. Thier heads were low when they saw that they were placing lilies on William's old workshop, they approached slowly.

"Winnifred? Milo? Is it really you?"

"It is, we got caught in a bad storm while exploring a trading route."

They then nodded and embraced, like friends who have finally been reunited. They were still in mourning and my parents shared their story about how they had to rebuild a home and try to survive the harsh conditions. When they were asked why they didn't turn around, they answered that they lost a wheel and physically couldn't turn back. They seemed to understand and were kept busy while Ulf brought their little home and carefully set it down right next door to my home. I thanked him and he quickly changed into his mortal form.

"I've heard the news, congratulations."

"I was only being honest with him. And I did feel the same way about him. I wanted to tell him a lot sooner but I guess he beat me to it."

We both started laughing and walked more into the village. As we wandered through the village, we were greeted by some of the other villagers. Eventually, the rest of the brothers joined in mortal forms except for Dýr, he stayed in the black forest, watching over the village. He was no longer the wolf of death, he was more of a guardian of this village. Everything was so peaceful, my parents were finally home, and I had finally told the man that I had met so long ago how I had felt about him. Everything felt perfect, like it was meant to be.

"Fáel is in his cabin if you'd like to talk to him. I'm sure he'd be quite happy to see you."

"Thank you, Ulf. I'm going to go visit him now."

"Before you go, take this."

 He pulled out a clear black botttle with a red liquid inside. Red wine. I smiled and thanked him before setting off to Fáel's cabin. As I walked to Fáel's cabin, I thought of all the times that we both went through. I felt my heart skip a beat as I got closer to his cabin, seeing the glowing light of the fireplace in some of the windows. I walked up to the door and knocked, hearing his footsteps get closer to the door, before it opened revealing a handsome smiling face.

"Hello little lady."

"Hello Fáel, may I come in?"

"But of course."

He stepped aside and allowed me in. He then closed the door behind me and smiled when I turned to face him. I held up the bottle and he took it, examining it before looking and chuckling. We both walked to his kitchen and he pulled out two wine glasses and offered to pour me a glass.

"Care to share with me?"

"Of course. Thank you."

"But of course, little lady. You are my guest after all."

I giggled as he poured the wine, then gave me the glass while setting down the bottle. He grabbed his glass and smiled at me and his golden eyes looked like they were somehow shinier and sparkled like a night sky full of stars. They were beautiful.

"I propose a toast to us. To the love we share and to our future together."

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