Waking Up in a New Place

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 I felt something warm and soft draped on my body with care. I struggled to open my eyes, wanting to see my surroundings. I raised my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes, inhaling deep and exhaling softly. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the beautiful golden light pouring in from a nearby window. Looking down at the blanket, I saw that it was a beautiful red silk with golden thread sewn in with careful hands and cruel needles. But...something was off. The needle work was nothing I had ever seen before. Like they weren't done by needles at all. Did one of the wolves make this blanket? I never took them for sewing or making things like that. 

"Where could they have gone? And where am I?"

I looked around and smiled softly. And placed my feet upon a cool wooden floor. I stretched and looked around, seeing a beautifully decorated room with an archway with thin gold text written above.


I smiled to myself and entered. Butter and white tile. There was a light scent of mint in the room with a A beautiful autumn dress with a lovely red cloak hanging upon a silver hook. I smiled and saw a bath of fresh water drawn for me. I dipped my hand in and felt the harsh bite of hot water then after the soothing kiss. I undressed myself and stepped in slowly, the steam pulling away dirt and dust from my body and hair. I slowly lowered myself, feeling the harsh bite slowly ease away and the tension in my muscles slowly let go. I slowly sank into the water and hummed, enjoying the soft smell of mint and warm hug of the hot water. I looked around and then saw a pale blue bar of soap.

"This smells familiar..."

The scent was almost like fresh bread and apple jam. Something about it was familiar, but I couldn't quite remember what it was. I started washing up and scrubbing away the filth. I rinsed off the soap from my body and cleaned up my face. The water drained and I stood up, feeling the cool air wrap itself around me sending chills down my spine and throughout my body. I noticed a towel laying next to my new clothes, I smiled and started to dry off, making sure I got every bit of water. Looking at the dress, I examined it more. A navy blue with long sleeves and gold cords going down the side of the waist and down the arms. The material was soft and warm, giving off some heat. Slipping in the dress, I tightened the cords on the back and gave a little spin. I pulled off the cloak and tied it into a small bow, fixing the hood. 

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