War of the Mountain

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 Véttr sighed, listening to Vatn always calmed him. He never lashed out thanks to Vatn, he always appreciated her honesty and guidance. She always managed to keep him calm and happy. He smiled to himself and looked at Maansiirtokone.

"Do you really think I would really help you? After all the death and destruction that you have caused? You think I want to share that?"

"You will be powerful!"

Vatn wanted to stand up and say something but couldn't manage. Something about Véttr made her stay low and hang on tight to him. He dug his claws into his mountain just as everyone else arrived on Véttr's mountain. They all stood behind and stared as Véttr started cackling. Soarin looked to Véttr, then to Vatn and then stared daggers at Maansiirtokone. Her blackened wings and crimson tips fully extended had hidden blades sharp and precise as a scalpel. There were fifteen blades hidden in her wings, the longest of them were serrated, hidden completely inside her wings.

"And what may I ask, is so funny?"

"It's simple, even for someone as ancient as you should know why I'm laughing."

"I do not dabble in simple mortal matters."

"You should know that your offer is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of your breath, I could find better solutions to your situation but it is quite obvious that you are not one for a reason."

Maansiirtokone reared back and stared down at the tiny wolf. His large fangs suddenly sprung out with scarlet venom starting to drip out. Véttr stood his ground, digging his claws in the ground and snarled. He was ready to strike and small golden orbs started to appear around him. He knew exactly what game Maansiirtokone was playing and he was playing it too. Maansiirtokone got angry, seeing Véttr stand his ground and snarl at him. There was no fear in Véttr's eyes, he was ready to strike. That's when his eyes shifted, seeing Dýr snapping his jaw and seeing his hollow socket stare out.

"Ah, Dýr, I'm surprised that you actually decided to show up. And you're alone, without your forbidden love this time. Why? Is she too much of a coward to show her face here? Or is it because you don't want her to get hurt?"

"Keep her name out of your mouth, you are nothing but an abomination!"

"I have surrounded these mountains for millennia! Before any of those pathetic mortals were ever created! And those wolves, your brothers, were they ever aware of your lies?"

"They are aware. We may not be related by blood, but we have been there for each other through thick and thin!"

Véttr howled, giving Wolfram the signal to go and fetch Fáel, the bird flew off and started scoping out the entire forest. Maansiirtokone got even more angry, his venom grew hot knowing that Véttr was not going to accept his deal of using stars. Maansiirtokone reared his head back getting ready to strike Véttr but Vatn used her water to knock Maansiirtokone off balance and created ice, locking onto Maansiirtokone's plated armor. Soarin took to the air and locked her talons onto the ice and started pulling. Mine of the armor came loose, he used her wings to slide under the ice and slice at the armor but nothing was working. All that it caused was craving on the ice and scratches on the armor. She ripped away and went back down to the ground.

"You alright Soarin?"

"I'm fine, I can't penetrate his armor!"

She was frustrated, her talons had small scratches along them in the shape of Maansiirtokone's armored plating. She wanted to rip everything off of him, the plates, his legs and his fangs. She knew what his venom could do to a body, she tried to cure the animals of his venom but could never find the antivenom. 

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