The Mountain Above the Skies

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 Véttr dug his claws into the mountain, and climbed to the highest peak. Soarin opened her wings, her fur and feathers started to darken and the pale pink turned to crimson red. Ulf ripped open the world and grabbed a mouthful of magma and scaled up the mountain. Dýr's fog was thick and pure black, following in the black fog were souls of animals who were killed by Maansiirtokone and wanting vengeance for their untimely deaths. Líf wanted no part of the fight, she never even wanted the fight to happen in the first place. It tore her apart deep down inside. But on the other hand, she was content with Dýr handling the situation.

"He should be waiting for you my lord!"

"Thank you Wolfram. Keep the whole fleet away and at a safe distance, and if I howl, alert Fáel! Am I clear?"

"Yes my lord."

Wolfram cawed and had a huge fleet of crow's following his ink black wings. They flocked down to the black forest and hid in the trees awaiting for Véttr's howl. Their piercing black eyes peeked out from between leaves and branches.

"My love, are you sure you wish for join me in this. If that necklace snaps..."

"Do not worry, I know the spell by heart. And I can always make you a new necklace made of stars any day."

Vatn smiled and hugged the back of his neck. She then carefully snuck to his head and caressed his fluffy face. She was planning something big. She then whispered to him her plan, his lips curled into a large smile and winked at her. Since she could control water and turn it into ice, it would be both the perfect weapon and perfect way to immobilize Maansiirtokone. 

"Are you sure you wish to use your power on him?"

"My lake is nearby, I can use the water from there."

Véttr nodded, understanding that she was going to do it whether he liked it or not. Though he did have a few complaints, he agreed. He didn't wish for any harm to come her way, he would tear them a whole new perspective on how dangerous the guardian of the sky could be. He could summon the brightest of lights, burn them and blind them. He was the first one to the top of his mountain and meet Maansiirtokone face to face. He started snarling and stared into Maansiirtokone's eyes. His snakelike eyes stared into his pearl spheres.

"What do you want?"

"Ah, guardian of the skies. I need your stars, my good fellow."

"Why do you need them?"

"They make excellent light sources and can easily be bright enough to blind."

 Véttr snarled as the stars in the sky shone bright. Vatn gently eased him away from his anger and soothed his tensing muscles. He then sighed and chuckled deeply. Maansiirtokone lifted himself up on his long legs, and lowered his snakelike head to Véttr's level, flicking his ink black tongue. Véttr's muzzle twitched and his pale white teeth peeked and hot breath vented from soft parted lips. He sighed and stared at Maansiirtokone. Vatn looked down at Véttr and whispered to him, cooling his temper.

"Oh, is that your little water friend? Would be a shame if she got hurt."

Véttr snarled even louder, making his blood boil. Vatn whispered more, trying to help Véttr keep his cool. Maansiirtokone knows exactly what buttons to push on the poor wolf. Maansiirtokone smiled at his workings, seeing Vatn whisper in Véttr's ear to keep him calm. The large creature started chuckling deeply knowing that he was getting to him.

"My love, listen to me, do not give in to your anger. I'm begging you."

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