A Secret Revealed

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 Everyone was enjoying the feast with happy smiles and laughter filling the air, along with happy clucks from Henrietta. Seeing her enjoy her seed and water was amusing. Just like the old days before I bumped into Fáel and his brothers. I sometimes wonder where I would be if I never ran to Fáel's cabin and ran somewhere else, like to William's shop. I don't wish to change the past but I sometimes wonder where I would be or what things would be like. 

"Hey, Yvette, you wouldn't mind sticking around a little bit after the feast would you? I have something to show you."

"No, I don't mind."

Fáel smiled at that response. I wonder what he has to show me. We all ate the most amazing food and had the best dessert. All I had was a couple pepperlaker and a slice of apple pie. But Fáel had a good half of the apple pie along with a decent sized slice of Suksessterte or success cake. Everyone was so happy and all the conversations weren't gloomy and serious, instead, they were cheerful and silly. I was smiling a laughing when Ulf told a story of how he learned his job was to be a guardian of nature.

"It spooked me when I suddenly grew grass around me. And everywhere I walked there would be flowers sprouting."

"We called him petal foot for the longest time, until he learned to control his power."

Ulf rolled his eyes when Fáel called him petal foot. Soarin chuckled and sipped her wine while gently nudging Ulf with one of her wings. Ulf smiled down at her and chuckled deeply.

"But once you mastered your craft, you made the most beautiful flowers and made the most amazing landscapes."

"You did create my mountain...just so I can be closer to the sky."

Ulf smiled and chuckled. He wanted everyone to be happy with his gift, but how big was the burden of shaping great mountains and being in charge of natural resources. Must be hard and take great responsibility and make sure that everything is balanced. That's when we all heard three pairs of hooves. Looking in the direction of the sound we all smiled as Hayden, Greta and Olly appeared from the darkened forest.

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything?"

"Hayden! My old friend! Of course you're not interrupting anything, come! Join us!"

 Hayden smiled and joined, along with Greta and Olly. They each picked out some of the leftover food and some dessert to go along with their meal. Fáel gently nudged me and motioned to go to a different place. I smiled and nodded. We both got up and left the table, wandering into the dark forest. We were laughing and jogging through the forest before slowing down. Fáel turned to me with a big smile and slowly pushed away some branches. There, on a lonely hill was a large weeping willow. But it wasn't just any normal weeping willow, it had golden leaves that gave off a warm glow to the ground around it.

"I've been wanting to take you here for a little while now."

Fáel offered his hand and I gladly took it with a soft smile. He led me out of the forest and over to the beautiful willow. Walking up the hill, I saw a few leaves fall, and as they fell, the golden glow slowly faded and disappeared when the leaf gently landed on the ground. Looking at the light, it looked exactly like Fáel's eyes. Pure gold, warm and beautiful. He plopped down in front of the tree and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"What about my dress?"

"Don't worry, I'll clean it when the night is over and you're safe and warm on the bed."

I smiled and walked over to him before sitting down next to him, feeling the warm golden light shine down on both of us. Fáel turned to me with a worried look, like something was bothering him. I looked at him and wondered what he could be so worried about.

"Fáel, what's the matter?"

"Yvette, there's something I've been hiding a huge secret since I first met you."

"What would that be?"

"I...I'm developing some...feelings for you."

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