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 I made my way through the house, looking at the beautiful decorations and small baubles that sat upon shelves. There was a small herd of deer with opal antlers and opal hooves. They were beautiful and somewhat mystical. My eyes then went to a beautiful fireplace, a roaring fire was lit and made the shadows around it dance along with the flames. I then noticed a rocking chair with a large blanket on it. Walking to the blanket, I carefully lifted it to see my beloved Henrietta. I smiled and scooped her up, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you my love!"

She clucked happily and nuzzled her head into my neck, almost like she was saying that she missed me too. I gently stroked her head. She then pulled away and clucked some more, trying to tell me something. There then was a knock at the door, a simple four knocks followed by a brief silence, then the same four knocks. Who could be at the door? Could it be one of the wolves?

"Perhaps we should open the door, see who's here."

I walked to the door with Henrietta in my arms. I set her down on the floor and grabbed the golden doorknob. Turning it slowly, I peeked out to see Ulf in his mortal form. I smiled and opened the door wide. He had a large smile plastered on his face. I stepped aside and allowed him in, seeing his soft emerald eyes look around peeking through his green and light green hair. His smile made me smile, seeing him again made me feel like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"It's good to see you awake my dear."

"It's good to see that you are alive. I was so worried about you all."

"Well, it's alright now. But we are planning a feast if you are willing to join."

 He offered his hand with a sweet smile decorating his face. I smiled back and took his hand, it was warm and only slightly rough. He was well dressed, a nice dark green suit with a stark white undershirt. His pants were a light shade of brown, with gold stitching down the sides. Looking up at his face, he wasn't covered in dust and dirt, he was clean and well groomed. Atop his head was a fancy dark green top hat with a gold ribbon tied around the brim. I had never seen someone wear such a nice outfit. Compared to my outfit, he was much nicer. I wonder if the others are dressed in a manner much like Ulf.

"Will your brothers be there?"

"But of course my dear, they are all there."

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