Where Am I?

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 My eyes started to flutter open, feeling something comb through my hair. I shifted a little and tired to look around. My eyes weren't adjusted to the dark just yet but I saw something glowing. I decided to get up and go towards it. It looked like a small glowing orb, with smaller things floating around it. I tilted my head as I got closer to the orb. Almost like it was calling me. Suddenly, I felt something grab my shoulder.

"Easy easy, it's me. William."

Tears flooded my eyes as I embraced Will. he embraced me just as tight and started sobbing. I buried my face in his shoulder and almost fell to my knees, but he held me up.

"No need to cry, it's okay."

"Where are we, what is that thing?"

"I'm not sure where we are. But whatever that thing is, it's luring people to follow it and...they never came back. I'm not sure if they're alive or dead."

I pulled away and looked at him, my eyes slowly adjusting. He gave me a weak smile and let me go. I started to look around and try to find something. Anything. The room we were in was rock, the ground was some sorta wool and the ceiling was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was too high to be visible? I looked back at William, seeing his frizzy messy hair gave me some comfort that I was with someone familiar.

"At least we have each other."

"Yea, but I feel like I'm such a fool."

"Why's that sweetie?"

"I feel like this is somehow all my fault. Like all this was preventable."

"Sweetie, none of this is your fault, everything happens for a reason. I'm sure we can find a way out of here, but if not, then we have each other."

I smiled at him, he was always the sweetest man that I've become friends with. Even though he was an older gentleman, he had a lot of history in the village. His grandfather helped build some of the houses. I think his family helped others find this place in their old caravan. I looked at him and smiled.

"Did...did you know my parents?"

"I did, and I know your real name."

"What were they like...?"

"Your father's name was Milo. he was the one who took care of the wheat farm that you now own. His hair was black as coal with a beard that he kept nice thanks to your mother. He was a well built man, and was a well respected wheat farmer. He was a good man..."

"What about my mother...?"

"Your mother's name was Winnifred. The sweetest lady in all of the village, with curly hair that was as yellow as wheat and her eyes were a beautiful blue. She used to help make butter, cream, and made the best bread. No one knew how she did it but it was incredible. They both cared for the villagers like a family. When Winnifred and Milo were together, it was like nothing could stop them."

Tears started to form in my eyes. I never really knew my mother or my father. I was always told that they died when I was just a baby. I then looked at William and saw that he was also crying.

"You said you know my real name. May I hear it?"

"Yvette. It was what your Father wanted to name you, and your mother adored that name when he mentioned it. They loved you so much, and they still do."

"What happened to them? I was told they both died when I was a baby."

William's eyes looked away, almost like he knew something. Could my parents still be alive? If they are alive, where are they? Why did they disappear? What actually caused them to leave me behind? If they died, what killed them?

"They just...vanished...like they both never existed. Nothing was out of place when I went over. The only thing that was new was a note telling whoever found you to leave you at Elana's home. You were maybe a couple months old, sound asleep in your crib under the white and gray blanket your mother had made you."

Tears started streaming down his cheeks. I can tell he really cared for my mother and father. But knowing they just vanished is odd. What made them vanish? Could it have been prevented? Are they even alive and know that I'm still here in the village? I wish I could see them...

"Yvette, please do understand that it was probably for your own safety and in your best interest. When Winnifred and Milo held you, fed and took you out, they did it with love. They adored you."

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