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"Now calm down Fáel. He is death, death has been around forever. Maybe even before Hayden. But you must give him some credit. None of us could do what he does."

Fáel started to snarl but huffed. He didn't take liars well, and being lied to by family was the deepest wound he has received. Even deeper than the curse Ulf had cast upon his paws. Fáelán sighed and stared at the embers flying through the air with each step Fáel took. Fáelán's crimson eyes lowered, he did feel some pain but he forgave Dýr for hiding such a secret. He would've done the same if he was on Dýr's path. But that made him wonder. What else was he hiding?

"Why aren't you as mad as I am, Fáelán?"

"Because I forgave Dýr. How would you feel if you were doing his job! Taking away life day in and day out!"

Fáel paused. He hadn't thought about it like that. He never imagined how hard his job actually is. When he really started thinking about it, he then started to understand why Dýr was hiding all these secrets. Fáel sighed softly and looked at Fáelán. Smiling softly, he then approached Fáelán and started out to Dýr's forest. Fáelán followed close behind his brother, wanting to be there in case of something happening between the two giants. Fáel started to slow down before entering the ghostly forest. He looked at Fáelán and smiled softly. He slowly entered the forest, seeing wandering souls of mortals and animals. They were forever cursed with wandering the darkened forest.

"All these souls..why do they linger?"

"I am unsure. Perhaps Dýr knows why they linger here."

As the two wolves wandered the forest, they paused when Dýr's fog hung lazily upon the ground. Fáel held his head high and walked into the fog with Fáelán following close behind. The embers that once flew from Fáel's paws no longer flew freely, like a leaf on the wind. They sunk into the ground and vanished in the fog. Like the air or something invisible was dragging them down. Fáel continued deeper into the forest, looking for answers, looking for the darkest shadow in the forest. They walked slowly and watched each step, careful to not disturb the animals and mortals lost in the darkness. That's when they arrived at a blackened lake, with water thick as ink.

"Do you think he's in there?"

"He is, his fog is lingering. If he wasn't then his fog wouldn't be here."

Fáelán nodded then stared at the black lake. There, in the middle, bubbles started to form. There he arose, black water, thick as ink ran off his black and white fur, and dripped off his jaw. Slowly, Dýr's white eye peeked out from behind his eyelid. He made his way through the water with ease and approached the two wolves. Dýr's fur twisted into a smile when he sat in front of Fáel.

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"I came to apologize for my actions and for what I said to you. You did not deserve my anger."

"I had figured you were coming for that, but I smell something radiating off you. You came to learn, haven't you?"

"No one can deceive you brother. But yes. I come for knowledge."

Dýr smirked. His mangled nose twitched. He stood to his feet and started walking, Fáel and Fáelán followed close behind Dýr's trail. They were quiet, and allowed the souls to pass them by if a soul were to cross into their path. Once they exited the darkened forest, Dýr faced them with half a smile.

"Now that they are not around, do tell me. What knowledge do you seek?"

"I wish to know what else you have lied about. It's better to be clear as crystal than murky like mud."

Dýr chuckled and took in a raspy breath, his withered ribs expanding slowly. 

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