New Furniture

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 I walked back into the home while Ulf went to renew the barn and Fáel went to check on Yvette. Dýr left shortly after, his fog slowly dissipating as he vanished into the darkness. I saw a long black raven feather slowly fluttering down. I looked up and smiled, seeing that it was one of Véttr's eyes on the skies. He's still watching over us. The raven then flew off when I was about to thank the raven. I dipped the hollow shaft of the feather into the inkwell. I then started scribbling down all the things that needed to be replaced. 

"These tiles really need to be replaced, as well as the flooring in all the other rooms. Should do that first then we can focus on the furniture. Go room by room."

I walked around more, scribbling down more items and which rooms they belonged to. I then started thinking about what kind of rooms they should be. The living room needs to be comforting and homey. A nice sofa, some chairs and maybe even a rocking chair. Some soft pillows and maybe even some baubles sitting over the fireplace. Maybe even have a couple of blankets hanging on the back of the sofa. I then walked to the kitchen and started writing down everything needed there.

"Gonna need a new stove and make a pump for some water. Remake the cupboard and maybe make a sub zero space to store meat."

 I then moved to a bedroom. Looking around, I saw a rather nice dresser with a few baubles sitting on top. They looked like little figurines of deer. One was a large stag stand among little does and fawns. Looking closer at them, the stags antlers looked like they were made of a milky crystal and when gently turning it, I saw sparkling rainbows.

"Opal antlers? Interesting."

Looking at the does, I saw that their hooves were made of opal. The fawns had a few with opal hooves and others did not. Males and females. I wonder if they are an actual species of deer. Would be lovely to see. Perhaps I should ask Ulf if he had seen anything like this during his lifetime. Would be a tear for the ears.

Wolves BaneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora