Family History

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 We started to head back to the rune circles. Fáel was as quiet as a mouse. He kept his head low until we stepped into the circle. He looked up and howled. The wind started to blow. Fáel's howl drowned out the wind's ghostly whispers. I saw time fast forward, flowers bloom and die right before my eyes. Years turn into months and months turn into days. It started to slow down when Fáel stopped howling. His eyes were dull. They no longer shined. I should have never asked him to take me here. This was a huge mistake. Once the wind died down, he stepped out. not even saying a word, he walked away. I felt horrible. Something deep down told me that something was wrong. Not from going into the past, but something from my past. As soon as I saw that Fáel was gone, I started to explore the forest more. There was something here that needed to be found. I blindly walked through the darkness, only being led by something pulling me towards it. I kept walking until I froze. A low growl rumbled behind me. I slowly turned to see a wolf with one eye.

"Damit Dýr!"

I heard him snarl.

"Youuuu caaann't beee heeerrreee."

His raspy voice echoed in the dark.

"Something is pulling me here. I don't know what it is."

His glowing eye darted around, looking for any one spying. He then approached and leaned down. His fur was dirty and matted. Far different from it being clean and well groomed. You couldn't even tell what the markings on his body were anymore. He was a mess.

"Dýr..what happened to you...?"

The giant wolf lowered his head more. His exposed skull had more cracks. Tears fell down his muzzle dripping off his nose. Even though he only had one eye, he still cried out of the empty socket. He slowly started to lay down, whimpering and whining. I lifted my hand and placed my palm on his dry nose. He opened his eye and blinked away tears.

"Mmmmyyyyy meeemmmmooorrryyyyy faaaaaadddeessss moooorrrreee."

His voice was still raspy but had sadness laced around it. I need to help him. I looked up at his glowing eye and pouted. I never liked seeing anyone cry. He tilted his head slightly to the left and hummed. His one ear falling to his left. I never really got an up close look at his ear before. It was pretty mangled but was fully functional. It was black as the starless nights, with thunderbolts of gray scars tearing through. He gently nudged me, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Ffffiiinnnnd mmmoooommmmm."

I nodded and he then moved so I could climb up on him.

"Iiiittt'ssss faaaassssttterrrr."

I climbed up and he stood on his full height. He then started to run. I held on tight to the black and white fur as he ran through the dark forest. He started to slow down when sunlight started to peek through the thick trunks. Véttr's night must be ending, but it didn't feel like I was gone for very long. He went from full sprinting to a walk. I looked around and noticed that we were somewhere very different. I looked around and saw a ton of dead grass, wilting flowers and many dead trees.

"What is this place?"

"Myyyyy hoooooommmmmmeeeee."

I looked at him. I looked around and then saw a huge rib cage. I stared at the giant thing. It was much bigger than Fáel's rib cage. He slowly approached the skeletal remains and lowered himself, allowing me to climb down. He then laid down and sighed.

"Mooootthhhheeeerrrrr. Iiiiii nnnneeeeeeddddd heeeelllllpppp."

He was whispering to the skull of the giant creature.

"This was your mother..."

Dýr's empty black socket started to leak a thick, black, tar-like ooze. The ooze ran down his cheeks and onto the dead grass. It then started to move towards the skeletal remains. They wrapped around the bones reattaching the joints but failing and melting apart. His ear drooped down. His one glowing eye started to dim as the ooze retreated to the socket from whence it came. 

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