The Fight Between Fáel and Ulf

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 I looked around at the rune engraved stones then looked at Fáelán, I was worried as to what was going on.

"You'll be okay, just don't step out of the circle."

That's when his eyes burned a bright gold color. The runes on the rocks glowed the same as the wind started to swirl around us. It started to go faster and faster, much like a hurricane or a tornado. I looked around as Fáelán let out a mighty howl, the terrain started to lower, and the trees reverted to saplings. The wind started to settle. The trees were still young saplings. The sky was black as ink, lightning striking nearby, unleashing a loud clap of thunder. That's when I saw him. Fáel had an angry look on his face as some of his bones snapped, popped, and cracked. His mouth extended into a wolf's muzzle and his eyes glowed red. He started snarling as a fluffy tail and ears started to grow. He fell to his knees growing bigger and bigger. Eventually, he grew to the height of a second-story roof. There was just one difference, his paws weren't burning. Then another wolf approached, about the height of a second-story window. One stomp of the wolf caused the ground to rumble. His eyes were as green as emeralds. Teeth are white as lightning. Fáel started snarling at the wolf. Tail up, ears back, and teeth on full display.

"What are they saying?"

"Fáel is telling Ulf to surrender. Fáel isn't one to back down from a fight either."

I gulped. This was going to get violent. That's when Ulf got on his hind legs and slammed down on the ground, making rocks turn into sharp stalagmites.

"Ulf is using his job as defense and as a weapon but he's also showing that he's not backing down."

Fáel huffed and let out a howl, making his eyes glow bright, from scarlet to ruby red. Ulf charged at Fáel but he dodged it, grabbing the back of Ulf's neck and flinging him away. Ulf let out a snarl.

"He's not going to back down, he's mocking Fáel."

Ulf then clawed the ground, tearing through the stone. He then shoved his muzzle into the fresh hole. Once his head lift, magma dripped from his mouth. Fáel growled and threw himself at Ulf. They were biting, clawing, and tearing at each other. When they finally separated, Fáel started howling. But was suddenly interrupted.

"What's going on?!"

"The curse."

Ulf stood at his full height, staring at Fáel. he was snarling as more magma flowed out of his mouth. Ulf had a crazed look in his emerald green eyes. The round broke open as Ulf started howling. Fáel had a horrified look in his eyes as embers swirled through the air and around his paws. The fur caught fire as many embers landed on him. They burned down to the flesh, making it look like burning wood that had cracked. Fáel yelped but continued. He focused more on his brother than his wounds. Fáel then let out a roar and Ulf fell to the ground. I then looked at Fáelán.

"That roar was the first, and so far, last time he ever severely punished anyone. Ulf is bound in his wolf form until Fáel deems him worthy of forgiveness."

I looked back at Fáel and Ulf. Fáel walked over to Ulf and stared him down. He looked down at his burning paws and stomped on the ground, making many embers fly. Ulf looked down, whimpering. Fáel huffed and dug his claws into the ground. Suddenly, chains appeared and wrapped around Ulf's muzzle, waist, paws, and neck. Forcing him to forever lay down, to never howl, and to never leave. That's when the other brothers arrived.

"I was just a small pup when we sealed him away..."

Fáel, Véttr, Dýr, and Fáelán all started to howl.

"Véttr's stars allowed light to be with Ulf until he was forgiven, Dýr brought the bodies of animals for him to feed on, Fáelán had animals built around Ulf, and made a tunnel just big enough for Fáel to get in while in his wolf form, and Fáel promised his return when he deems him ready but until then, he made one family responsible to bring water to Ulf."

The wind started to blow again as the terrain around us began to form back to the way it was when Ulf was locked away. 

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