Meeting My Parents

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 As we walked, I took in the sights of nature and saw Dýr's fog dance through trees, grass and bushes. It was almost like the fog was alive, that it danced to share its emotion, its beauty, and its strength. I would sometimes catch Dýr's eye glance at me before focusing back on the task at hand.

"Yvette, do you think you can enlighten me with some tales that you heard when you were growing up? I've heard that many villages tell different tales to their children."

"I've been told many stories, but one always had me come straight home when the sun was starting to set."

"Mind telling me?"

"Elena used to tell me that once the sun set, the guardian of the sky would send his fleet of birds to carry away children who stayed out. And the children would never be seen or heard from again."

"A classic 'don't stay out past dark'. Véttr may be a dark and cold type, but I promise that he's not at all like that. He's just grumpy because his love was bound to the water and he could only be with her if he was down by the lake."

"And...what about now?"

"His spell isn't permanent, as long as she keeps that necklace on she won't be pulled back to the lake."

"I see."

"Any more tales?"

"There is one about you if you'd like to hear it?"

"Sure, it can't be as bad as that trading post."

"William used to tell me that you were never cruel and cold like winds on the ocean, that you were a gentle force. Though you took lives, you always reassured them that they would be at peace. He spoke highly of you Dýr, never once did he say anything negative."

Dýr hummed and chuckled. William was a wise, strong and good man. He wished he could have done something to bring him back but William had no regrets, no wants or needs and didn't seek redemption. He was fine with passing away. As we walked, we both shared mythical tales and silly stories about the past. We would laugh and chuckle, and before we knew it, there stood a little cabin with a flowing waterfall and sparkling lake. There was smoke coming from the little chimney and a little flickering light in a little window.

"Are you ready to meet your parents?"

"I think so, but what about you?"

"Don't worry about me, little one, I'll be waiting nearby, I promise."

He lowered himself down and waited patiently for me to climb down. Once my feet touched the floor, his fog reached up and carried my wicker basket safely down. I giggled and grabbed the basket, as I walked to the door, I felt my stomach flipping and twisting into a knot. I inhaled deeply and knocked on the door. There were footsteps, they came to the door and a man's voice rang out.

"Who is it?"

"My name is Yvette, I came in search of my parents. Their names are Milo and Winifred."

There was whispering behind the door then it slowly opened. There stood a man with a gray and white beard, a white shirt and brown pants. Then a woman with blonde and white hair appeared to his right, wearing a midnight blue dress and a black lace overcoat. Her eyes widened as she slowly walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Milo, could that be..."

"It is, Winnie, our baby girl."

 My mother quickly walked over and stopped before me. She was hesitant, tears formed in her eyes and she slowly reached her right hand to my cheek as a single tear trickled down her left cheek.

"He spared you. The great wolf spared our baby."

She then took my hand and pulled me into the house, grabbing my basket and shutting the door. Father took the basket and placed it on a beautiful wooden table. Mother looked at me and started crying before hugging me tight. 

"We never thought we'd see you again."

"Where did you go...?"

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