Challenge # 1

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Chapter 4

What Hay? Apparently they made the decision for us Destiny we never did our five years and according to your father and Uncle Caleb we need work. Work where hoping off her horse. I need work with mind walk I have no idea what you need help with. Mind walking ?! Like only daddy can mind walk with ease. Hayden looked away. Hayden you mind walk? You know I mind walk bae I got you out of particle. I thought that was Marcella. No, she got me into particle I walked your mind.

Destiny's mouth was open in shock Hayden I had no idea how powerful you are. Baby not you too! Stop shouting it's true Hayden no one and I mean no one can do that can you multi level mind walk? Yes. She clapped with detection or without? With.

Oh, that's need to do it without. I get that bae but I'm not interested. Where are we being assigned when the five is up? High vampire table in the absence of Uncle Malcolm. Hayden--

I know it is an honor bae. Well it is. That is like the same level as an Elder. Not the same Desti. Stop brooding Hayden. What about Winter and Harlem Destiny? Papa never took dad away from me nor Uncle Malcolm from you why would he sanction a child separation? You want me to speak to grammy? Yes, one of us but not both. Destiny sat up thinking. What? Hayden what if you challenge daddy to a test? If you can meet his level then we stay.

It's a vampire seer challenge by law he has to accept the challenge as a lead seer or he will be seen as weak and if he is weak he cannot run a coven. The strongest seer leads he will have to step down and give you the chair. I don't know Destiny.

I do we can practice maybe daddy is weaker now not using his skill as much as he used to being around those humans in Washington. I say send him an open formal challenge elders present and all. Hell the worse that can happen is we do the five years. Uncle Malcolm is my favorite Uncle what if he gets angry. Daddy he will blow the challenge off thinking it's nothing. His cockiness will be his downfall.

Listen I will have Jackie or Hunter to write it up formerly. Okay. Destiny clapped. Start practicing block by block mind walk. Hayden kissed her you actually got me thinking I have a chance at beating a master seer. Destiny chucked hell we may as well or die trying. Hahaha. Hehehe.

Three Days Later
Hollings Mansion Estate Washington DC.

Prince Malcolm this just arrived from the pharaoh's lead attorney. Thank you. What is it? Victoria asked. It has Hayden's signet Malcolm cracked it open chuckling. What? A formal challenge. What?! She grabbed it this has Destiny written all over it Malcolm. Victoria picked up her phone calling Destiny.

Hello? Destiny what are you thinking? Are you a seer Victoria? When are we on a first name basis Destiny? When you gave me up and my grandmother raised me while you were in rehab. The other kids know you as mother but you will never be my mother. My mother is and always will be Gabriel Hollings.

Victoria was quiet why do you hate me Destiny? Malcolm looked over shocked. I don't hate you I just think you should not question me I am a seer you are not i am superior a gifted vampire while you are just a wolf.

I am married to a powerful vampire prince you do not have a right to question my decision like I never questioned how you could just give your child away. Wasn't a money issue, or lack of help cause grandpa Choi told me that so why did you do it? You tell me gifted seer.

Destiny sat up to tell her mother off because my father did not want a junkie wife and you could not handle that truth so out of anger for Jakes decision you gave away his child out of hate and rejection. No other reason you can lie to daddy but I am an empathic seer try and lie now Victoria. Victoria cried Malcolm snatched the phone. What is wrong with you Destiny?

Nothing daddy I said what you wouldn't. So we hurt people now with our gift is that it Destiny? She was quiet. Be there when I land this evening we need to talk. Malcolm hung up to console a rattled Victoria. Gimme the phone I need to call Chance please.

Okay honey Malcolm let her call off his line so he would answer her ASAP. He left as she cried to Chance what happened feeling tempted to have a drink.

Malcolm cancelled his meetings to fly home he had no idea his daughter was so angry it was time to end it to let her see the truth of what really happened.

Who all is on the wedding committee Fi? All the girls mama including the grand daughters this is an epic event so much so I have mother wolf foreman living at mama Fi's house to help Artie and I with the babies. Marcus and Bishop approved a nanny? Mama vanna is helping with the wedding we all are. I do not like strangers handling the babies they are way to young. Mama? Yes Fi? It is Mama FOREMANNNN. Haha she did run the day school nursery for 55 years. Yes mama daddy left us with her plenty of times in the barrios when he had errands to run and you were at the spa. Did he now? Yes mama everyone knows she and Mama Lozelle were besties she is way to Alpha obedient to do anything did you know she dated grandpa Alijawan? Who didn't grandpa Alijawan date? Haha that's true mama.

Fi? Yes mama? You have to be nicer to your sister's regarding the planning. Mama Ember is spoiled rotten adding kiddie shit to the wedding this ain't no sweet sixteen this is a wedding. Kiddie like what? Like wanting a money drop like Angel had at the sweet 16. She is obsessed with our sweet 16 and pulling what we did to do at the wedding mama. I said Ember we were SIXTEEN papa is like 350 years old and mama is 81 what are you doing? Hehehe she is trying to have fun Fi we can do a midnight money drop at the reception. Mama that is so hood. Fi I am from the hood.

Mama at midnight is the fireworks. Fire works are when we exit why do you have us exiting at 12? Papa has the plane fueled and on our runway by 1 am the pilot told me. Okay when have we ever left a party on time Fifi? Never mama but you gotta fly out before sunrise. I am aware thank you Fi. If we get stuck here another day that is fine Fi.

But mama?--

Fi? You know I tire easily from so much excitement I need rest before flight I will speak with papa about staying at the regency for the night in fact book our suite Fi please. Okay mama how many days? About a week although we may leave sooner. Are you excited mama? Fi I am about to travel the world with a 350 year old fine as fuck vampire who loves me to death literally what do you think?

Heheh I'd be excited to mama Marcus said we are going to do the same one day but he is so freaking worried about Kayla mama it is annoying. Why is he worried she is up there to be near Jojo. She is falling back and leaning more toward Jojo because she said Jojo looks at her the way he looks at me and he will never love her the way Joseph does so she is seeing him through his time in the mental hospital.

There is nothing wrong with Jojo we speak every day. Joseph is a medical genius to the point of crazy. He won't let anyone stop him from making medical advances even if it means disobedience of the vampire table of Elders. He said that mama? Yes Fi he said he will not stop experimenting because his experiments saved all of our lives had he obeyed we would all be dead. He has a point mama. He wants me to get him a pardon. Oh lord what did papa say?

He said when Blaise clears him mentally he will pardon him. Papa is still upset over baby being a giant vampire baby drinks 80 gallons of blood a day Fi that is a lot of blood papa feels baby is his child and it is his responsibility to feed him as any father would feel. Mama Jojo said he can transfer baby's brain in a normal vampire why won't papa let him?

Fi you are going to be Queen start thinking before you speak if vampires do not die where will Joseph get a vampire body? I never thought of it that way mama. Let Kayla stay with Joseph he needs the support now Marcus will live. Yes mama. Bye baby I love you.

Hello? Myles what's up baby? 90 days to the wedding? The road of festivities leading to? Haha if papa says yes sounds fun. The station is paying even better.

Yes let me know love you.

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