Casino II

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Chapter 27

Clarence was shooting dice. All his sons were shocked knowing how he hated dice games. He kept winning he started at fifty thousand dollars and was up to 800 thousand dollars. What should I do Gabriel? Let it roll daddy! Vampires and Lycans crowded around the table. Shooter wins! Ahhh! Chance watched as lady luck blew on his father. With every roll he kept winning. $14.2 million dollars what you wanna do pop?

Put all of it on the next roll double or nothing at all. The crowd inhaled chased by unsure whispers. Myles clapped from the back as Diva stood next to Gabriel hooting egging the crowd on who quickly joined in on Clarence's crazy decision. Papa you just lost one billion dollars on roulette what if you loose another $28 million?

Clarence clearly drunk shot down his whiskey tox shot slamming his glass down tapping it hard three times. LET HER ROLL! Pop is tripping Angel laughed with Asher on the mirror. Chantel closed her eyes I can't watch as she was on her hand held mirror with Sparkle. Mama open ya eyes. No Sparkle that is a LOT of money! Not to papa it's not. Pop never spends let him enjoy his money Chantel.  I guess you are right Angel.

He held the dice out for Gabriel to blow she being drunk herself licked them and his palm real slow and sexy. Whewwww the crowd hooting and whistling sexy. Clarence rolled the dice they flew across the table


Clarence picked up  four hand fulls of 100 dollar chips tossing them in the air. Vampires and lycans dropped to the floor scurrying for chips as he and Gabriel walked through the sea of kneeling customers happy for chips exiting the casino as the power couple they are.

Chance laughed he loved seeing his father and his bride finally enjoy their money.

Dairy vampire club nest
Marcus' challenge day four 1 a.m
Two days prior.

The trigger man stood over Marcus attending to his friend ignoring the crying human at his feet Marcus on his belly. Help me! Marcus grabbed the trigger mans ankle tearing out his back tendon causing him to fall to Marcus' level. Marcus dragged himself on his back choke holding him cramming his ripped tendon in his open screaming mouth. Now on his back Marcus vertically flew him to the ceiling draining him. His boys took out guns with vampire bullets shooting Marcus used the trigger mans body as a shield.

Tearing the light fixture they could not see him in the dark being newly turned. The remaining three heard a scream heads up Marcus whispered in the dark tossing the vampires head to one of the remaining two. One of the vampires who regonized him at the robbery yelled PRINCE MARCUS I SEEK A TRIAL BY VAMPIRE JURY AS IS MY RIGHT AS A VAMPIRE. Emoji  faces went up angry. The other screamed the same a bloody Marcus opened the door allowing blue dance floor light to flood the room. He stared blood stained and beautiful fangs out nails long Mohawk spiked in all his glory with blazing eyes glowing in the blue neon light.

Marcus looked at the camera as the two fell to their knees we seek a vampire trial they shook nervously. Marcus growled GODS BLESS THE Pharaoh. Laughing faces went wild in the comments.

Currently Day Five of the Dairy Challenge.

Marcus kept Pete's open running it while he was hospitalized. He made more money because Marcus cooked all the food and the customers loved it. Marcus signed him up for uver eats door dashing and hub grub during the day when the bar was closed to customer's. The waitresses loved it because they got to work during the day preparing food.

Marcus loved his freedom he kept a journal so he would never forget his feeling of financial independence on so very little and freedom from family obligations. He married so young he never got to enjoy the world like Hayden did. He envied Hayden for skipping college to travel instead, living single and free instead of traditionally marrying and having a family while in college. It almost cost him the love of his life but he married and had children when he was good and ready.

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