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Chapter 53

Gabriel and Clarence asked around all night about a wedding chapel they were all closed. A young Lycan recognized Gabriel outside a bar where Clarence rubbed her feet as they drank ice water. Oh my god! She fell on her face. Shhh please get up we are hiding from our children and the press. Oh snap I am sorry. Gabriel grinned at the waitress do you know of a wedding chapel?

My uncle has one i can wake him he is a old werewolf and he will be so stoked hold on. She called him in face time. Uncle open the chapel I am coming now. No you cant eat these two hell no hahaha yeah I am on my way. She ran to get her car. Oh man Clarence look.

It was a 1999 red Toyota corolla in mint condition. Sorry yall. This is fine. Clarence told her the story of his and how it was beat up and old and how it died years ago but he couldn't get rid of it. They arrived at the out of town chapel.

Her uncle was a very old wolf his eyes lit when Gabriel walked in with Clarence. Wait the Alpha Angel know yall getting married? We are already married fifty years now. Oh he laughed I seen that negro in action I don't need him knocking in the middle of the night. Gabriel giggled he won't I promise.

Y'all need a witness the preacher added. Oh I can sign for y'all the waitress clapped. Clarence smiled will you please? Yes sir I mean your majesty it be my honor. Gabriel stopped herself from laughing cause the girl was so serious and respectful.

Okay they stood before this old wolf. He cleared his throat.

We is gathered here taday to join this vampire and this vampire Lycan hybrid woman in holy matrimony. Marriage is a serious bidness and should not be taken a light. There is nothing mo important den da love bond between man and wife vampire and Vampress hybrid. No chick nor child shall separate you cause strife nor put either of y'all asunder.

From this day this old vampire man who been here befo all us now belong to you. He is your sole responsibility forsaking the mind of all others concerning his health, life or strength. This is yo man and yo man alone and you his wife knowed what be good or bad for him.

Do you Ms. Werewolf -Vampire Hybrid takes dis Vampire as yo man ta love, obey, honor, respect, and cherish forsaking all other vices as long as ya be joined? I do Gabriel grinned.

Vampire ya walked dis earth many a day and long nights of all us ya know how hard it be ta find a wife a good woman who really love on ya good.  You found a woman who bless ya wit chillen a plenty even when god above say it can't be so. She stood by ya when her heart and mind say go. Gave ya grand and great grand chillen.

If you was ta walk in da sun tomorrow yo life be complete wit all yo bloodline befo you that dis hybrid woman bore fo ya ta luve foeva.

You is fortunate and blessed ta find her vampire do ya take dis hybrid werewolf vampire ta be yo wife again? Forsaking advice a others over hers? Saying yes when you wanna say no? Love her in sickness, heath, poorness and wealth?

Cast yo natural chillen aside and those ya walked time wit fo the love of dis chere woman? I does. Gabriel giggled at his broken english response.

You gots a rang son? The pastor in his pajamas yawned stretching and scratching his head. Clarence pulled his coven necklace out of his dress shirt. Gabriel this is the very first coven necklace ever made. It was designed by Safinah she drew the blue prints which are part of the sealed scrolls she had it made for me a year before she died. Then I made everyone else's as proof they were a part of something bigger then slavery a family that would never turn their back on them no matter what.

No, baby... Gabriel stayed his hand I know what it means to you. He kissed her hands I want you to have it I love you Gabriel wear it and never doubt my love. Clarence put it on her neck it's heavy she giggled. The girl touching it yep it is she said in the camera we know dat be real gold and diamonds okay?

What about you Ms. Queenie? The sleepy pastor asked. Gabriel went in her purse no Gabriel. Clarence stopping her seeing what it was.  Gabriel shook her head yes wrapping the bracelet on his arm I made this in Washington Square park with my mother the summer before she died during the crack wars. Knowing my mother Gail she would be honored if you wore it in her memory.

She tied the cloth bracelet on his arm kissing his wrist it read Gail on one side and Gabriel on the other woven into the fabric. Clarence wiped his eyes thank you Sugar this is the best gift anyone has given me. The girl blew her nose loud.

Gabriel giggled. Den by da power invested in me by the glorious state of Louisiana I pronounces y'all both man and wife may God above bless ya both with 50 mo plus happy years ta come.
In da name of all dat be good and clean and in da name if God da father yawls married now.

Clarence stood there speechless what ya doin son? Kiss ya bride fo I does! Clarence kissed Gabriel as the waitress tossed up rice blowing a new years horn she recorded the whole ordeal putting a broom on the floor for them to jump over. She raised the decorated broom. What? Gabriel giggled gal dis Louisiana kiss it fo good luck! Gabriel kissed the broom her red lipstick staining the bristles.

She took pics of them with the pastor and made a video for people to come get married which Clarence and Gabriel helped with of course.

They got a 11×18 marriage certificate the girl said she'd file the papers Monday. Clarence gave what he had on him which was $5000. The girl clapped happy. Gabriel gave her Myles' number sell him the video and do not take less the 5 million dollars. If he wants the pics that is separate sell him EACH picture okay.  Ahhhhh! She started dancing hugging her sleeping Uncle screaming. Can I see them. Gabriel picked one out I want this one how much? $10 she whispered cash app? The girl gave it Gabriel cashed apped her $1000. That one is not for sale.

No ma'am it sold you bought it!

We gots us a small cabin out back ain't much but will keep you out the sun. It's clean and comfy. Sure they agreed. Clarence carried Gabriel over the 250sf shack threshold laying her on the queen size lumpy bed. The girl was gone ga half hour came back with flowers fresh blood bottles and water. She got Gabriel snacks and fruits. Clarence closed the door undressing his bride real slow turn around making her laugh like a young woman as he leaned back pulling clothes from her slow and easy.

The couple fell into bed making love until sunrise as thier phones rang over and over deaf to the calls and to the world engulfed in the love of each other.

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Where stories live. Discover now