Heart 2 Heart

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Chapter 22

Clarence wake up. I'm up baby he turns staring Looking In Her Eyes. What is wrong? I heard your conversation with chance earlier I was in and out of sleep but I heard it. Would you really move out? Gabriel looked out the window at the Shadows of flashing lights in Vegas. The patio door was wide open and the Warm Winds of the desert swirled in with the cold of the night brushing against her warm skin. Clarence I know you love our children I love our children and your children the ones that were here before the second set you had.

I need something from you I don't know exactly what that is but I do know that I have never in this 50 years of marriage been alone with you except for when I was sick.

That was the better time in my life because you were there but it was also the worst because I was dying. I want to get that feeling I had back again that original he belongs to me and only me feeling even if I know it's just a lie I'm telling myself for the next 5 or 10 years. I only had you for a couple of years before I was turned a vampire and made a Vampire Queen, after that everything went haywire almost for the next 35 years. We have been through a lot together husband haven't we?

Clarence sat up in bed opening his arms for his wife to cuddle in them which she did. We have had many children and now we have grandchildren and great-grandchildren I have blessed you old vampire when you were never to give life.

We have been through so many wars and disappointments from you being poisoned and me being kidnapped...twice. Chance being poisoned....twice. Grip in cryo sleep, time traveling witches stealing our babies, our Elders dying, and Niarchos becoming the king of werewolves and me their Queen.

That is just a little of what we've endured these years did you notice I never said you and I had private time to ourselves? Yes we have been away on weekend excursions and stolen time for just you and I in secret compartments that you built inside the house but how long were we allowed to love on one another Clarence in peace?

Do you know what I loved the best about not having my light? I was able to go to Haiti with Evan and just be free. I did not have to worry about children or babies or anything it was like I just fell and there was no net to catch me. I was in a tropical paradise with our children but I was also there with a man who just let me be.. say what I wanted to say, do what I wanted to do and there was no repercussions behind my action whether they were good or bad he just let me live.

You forget I am a vampire who is still in possession of her soul. This makes me have second thoughts about everything I want to do. You are vampire your soul is being held by God himself you have no soul Clarence you don't have that little voice telling you not to do something.

You don't have something inside making you feel guilty when you do something you were not supposed to do. You feel that way because that is you doing that not because you have a spirit inside nagging you as to what is right and wrong.

I just want to go away with you lay down all my burdens and just enjoy my life with you for once that's all I want it's always been you Clarence. It has never been about your money or what you can give me or how much you can buy. If I had to trade everything I own to have you to myself I would.

I have loved you since the first day you spoke to me and I've loved you ever since not for what you did for me not for what you do but who you are.

You are my love I love you now until the end of time and if you want to give me a gift that no one will ever be able to give but you then you will ignore our child and come be with your vampire bride give me the gift of self give me the gift of you husband.

Clarence sniffled wiping his eyes that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard Gabriel she looked behind her kissing the tears falling on his cheeks. There were times in this marriage I wondered if you really loved me times I thought to myself how do I know she really wants to be with me more than anyone or anything in the world?

You know it's hard being married to a woman who has two husbands sometimes it becomes a mental competition do I need to keep up with him?  What is he doing with her that I'm not? A man's insecurities can play heavy on his mind and heart.

Now you tell me that all you've ever wanted was me nothing I could have bought you or given would take the place of the time you want to spend with me. You know what my mother said to me  when I was a young man sugar? No, what Clarence? She told me it is easier for a man to buy his wife trinkets then it is for him to love on his wife.

She said this after Alexander bought Minnie a ruby brooch. Minnie cried when he gave her that brooch he thought they were tears of joy but they were tears of Sorrow because the second she opened that brooch and lay it on her dressing table Alex walked out the door to his card game brothel. That is when my mother said what she said to me it is not until all these centuries later I finally understand what she meant more so than what she said Gabriel.

Let us turn the television on and see our son in action. The couple wiped their tears away. Gabriel left the final decision in the hands of her husband praying that he would give her the one thing she truly wanted him.

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