Survival Of The Fittest

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Chapter 12

Marcus' Challenge day II

Marcus stepped outside at sundown with sunglasses on that were female white framed cat eye 1980's vintage making hearts fly. Still vintage he said to the camera making Delton laugh. Go eat nigga! Delton screamed at the TV with Khallah and Niarchos. Grab a bitch! No Ol G if he grabs someone they gonna start screaming they hate vampires in Dairy. Damn for real yes they love Lycans adore Fairies but hate vampires. Marcus walked past the hoe stroll hey baby hey..... Hey.... I got what you need. Damn that one thick feed ta for a week! Khallah laughed at Delton.

I know where he at of my son get hungry I'm going fuck that! If you do Marcus gonna be mad as fuck cause he gonna loose to Bishop he rather die then to lose to that nigga Delton. That's true. Niarchos sat back in his Alpha chair in the back of the cinema room with all the wolves sitting in the movie styled room there was no more room. Khallah sat in his mother's chair next to his father. Delton sat in Myles' chair on his left. Carol sat next to Khallah Kadence sat with 10 she- wolves fighting over braiding his hair. Hey! Yall get out with that my son is hungry I need to see what he gonna do. Sorry Alpha they kneeled before Niarchos. That is cause you're letting the boy fuck all these wolves Khallah. Carol was quiet. You to Carol. No daddy I told both of them Khallah spoils Kadence.

Dad he a prince no body was worse then me and Myles. Yeah and ya had some incidents if I recall. Carol pat Khallah on his hand. Yeah listen to your wife because when your mother gets home I will have her put a order on all these she- wolves to stay away from her grandson. No grandpa Angel!

Boy why are you raising your voice in my house? Sorry grandpa but please no. Niarchos stared at his grandson reading his mind can you hear me grandpa? Yes. I'm careful I use condoms. All the time? Yes grandpa I swear. We will talk later yes? Yes grandpa. Okay. What just happened? Khallah asked. What?

What did you say to him dad? Why Khallah? I said we will talk later if you must know. Khallah laughed that means he ain't getting no punishment. The she- wolves giggled. How about you get a punishment and we go outside and practice sword drills while hyper speeding on a wolf turn back to vampire never letting the sword drop out the air humm? How about you still can't hyper shift? Marcus learned in a week took me three days.

Niarchos stared at his son agitated beause he was worried about Marcus. Sorry dad. Niarchos cut his eyes at baby Khallah turn it up Delton. Delton turned it up. Marcus walked the street he kicked a dumpster OH HELL NO! Delton yelled.

Yes! Niarchos clapped. Marcus bent down grabbing running rats draining them he turned the camera so the audience could see him. FUCK NO! Delton yelled. YEP! Niarchos grabbed his phone calling Clarence see that pop?!

Clarence was yelling with Gabriel who had her eyes closed. That's right it is a blood source Clarence yelled. I prefer cat's Delton said making the wolves laugh. BURY THEM! Niarchos yelled. Why dad? Carol Khallah's wife now a young vampire asked. Because they hate vampires there the rats with holes in them will spark a vampire hunt gotta hide the carcasses daughter. Marcus opened a bag in the trash dumping the rats in it then he tossed a match in the dumpster. Vampires clapped and screamed. He wiped his mouth sipping water. It is the squealing for me that shit hurts my ears. Fi hugged Artie laughing.

Time for work. Marcus walked in to dirty dishes but the kitchen itself was spotless. Hey kiiiiid! Listen I got a damn raise for you the health department came today cause I freaking called them on myself! Haha. The waitress Tina said Pete you better call the health inspector out here while its still fresh and clean. Guess what kid they dropped $20k in tickets and old Pete is gonna give you $5,000 he whispered now you keep that under ya hat kid. Don't go boozing it up okay?

Haha no way sir. You think you can do the front the same way? Sure i need some paint too I can white wash the walls overnight. White wash who you been hanging around kid? Pete ain't heard that since I was a kid in Tennessee. I got a brother from Tennessee. Yeah? Which part? Palahatchie? Yeah I am from the neighboring town what his name be? Grip. The naz racer! Yep one in the same. Hell No! Yep. What you doing here kid? Ya brother can't help you out? We don't get along.

I understand that family being funny and all. Yeah he real funny. The vampires laughed so did Niarchos and Khallah. Pop you hear? Yep. I will leave ya to it kid. Ok thanks.

Day two is easier not so much to wash. As you can see the bar is busy as soon as the dishes come in I wash them. I don't let them pile up thanks pop. When the pharaoh was a slave and he was on dish duty he would wash the china as soon as it came to the kitchen even of it was one plate. O asked why? He said cause I wanted to go to bed them white people ain't know when to say goodnight.

They laughing faces flew with hearts. See what Bishop forgot is although I had a silver spoon I was raised by former slaves survivors. They taught me very young how to survive as a vampire. I remember once my father took all the blood out the house it was day. I said dad there is no blood. He said go get some.

I closed his office door and went to bite Fi the hearts flew after screaming alerting the pharaoh she let me I think we were six. I got the ass whooping of a lifetime but two things happened. Fi was no longer afraid of a vampire bite and I learned not all blood is good blood to drink. Sorry Fi that blood was the sweetest taboo.

Laugh emojis flew but that whooping was not. Clarence wiped his eyes Gabriel hugged him. Ok guys I am out be back when I'm off.

One Day Prior Havana Main Street......

Okay people we are here with the pharaoh and his Queen are you ready? Diva yelled okay Gabriel grinned. Oh God the pharaoh picked that? Yes Diva. A coffee cup with heart steam and look your name on the coffee mug and his on the saucer a tattoo?

Yes Diva a vampire Tattoo apparently they have designed a permanent ink. Now they have said the pharaoh is the oldest vampire they have tatted so they are unsure of it will hold but because I am quarter lycan and quarter human and vampire mine should hold. Beautiful lets go to the pharaohs reveal. Hell no! Chance yelled MARY! she ran wiping her hands on her apron VANNAH! Pop got a tat. No way that's a branding Mary said.

He has lost it Mary sat on his lap where is Vannah? With Fi for the wedding oh yeah. Look it better be fire. They took off the gauze. FIRE! Grip yelled.

A sword with a angel holding a long the handle with both fists the long sword stopped at her feet wait is that your face my Queen?

Yes Diva of course see my wild hair? He loves is wild chile heheh. Clarence chuckled. The sword had FREEDOM written on the blade. Look at the handle has a rose the coven crest. That is hot great pharaoh.

Thank you Diva I hope it holds. Do you? We all know you say tattooing is like branding of the slaves. Yes, I do still feel this way but my wife wanted me to get it so I agreed...happy wife happy life. Gabriel giggled kissing Clarence.

Cut! They kept kissing pay them Myles. Yes papa. Myles? Yes papa? Ask them about opening a shop in Georgia then franchises around the united states. The shop keepers screamed happy Diva turned the camera back on as they celebrated.

May! Run get the phone hurry woman. Why? So I can ask pop to cut me in before Nick, Micah, Grip and Raven. Run woman! Connecting is faster. You're right baby Chance closed his eyes. Pop.

Yes....Chance Hunter will send the papers. Thank you pop have fun. I will Clarence carried Gabriel in his arms as they waved to hundreds of Vampires & Lycans

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz