Tears Of Joy

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Chapter 16

Hey gal. Safinah looked up to a happy face Clara dusting or pretending to. What am I to you? My slave Safinah stared at Clara cold. You must be my nephew's wife my niece.  I got something real special to give ya papa for a wedding gift that will put your gift above all others. What is that? Nope not so fast pretty gal.

Safinah saw the resemblance in her face. She looked like Clarence just a woman actually she and Destiny favored. What do you want for it?

Now ya talking girlie she giggled gimme some of that tox blood whiskey Clarence drinks I can stand for that we have the same hankering for whiskey although our daddy loved red wine. I love red wine too. There you go you got it honest from ya grandpa Alexander.

Safinah sat staring you knew papa when he was human Clara? Yes ma'am he was my father's slave although he never treated him or the others badly. If you own someone it's bad Clara. I"m not arguing I am simply answering your questions princess that is all Clara does not want to get in your bad side no ma'am.

How was papa as a human? Clara looked up... quiet never got into any trouble knew how to steer clear you know? Smart real smart like he is now smart like our father Alexander, real business minded how our daddy was.

Papa Alexander took no shorts. Safinah giggled no ma'am not a one my papa wanted every penny due him every dime and Clarence is the same way. Did you know our grandfather's name was Clarence? No Safinah smiled. Yes ma'am Clarence Alexander Dupree then my papa named your papa in the same fashion so when he sent him to France he would already have a reportable name.

Did you know that was your brother Clara? No not until after my father was killed at a card game during an uprising, that same uprising we thought killed Clarence since they were together but we never recovered his body. My mother god rest her said we will proclaim him dead. She loved Clarence and refused to send the slave catchers after him. He--

Clara got quiet.

What? Well they were lovers when papa wasn't home she whispered respectfully. No, your mother forced papa said she would tell Alexander if he didn't sex her.

Heheh that is what she said to scare Clarence with but Papa knew he didn't give a fuck.  He had Isabel Clarence's mother that is who my daddy really loved not my mama princess.  You are saying Alexander turned a blind eye Clara?

Yes ma'am my daddy hated white women he was forced to marry my mama for her name but his heart was with Isabel. Yeah? Then why not free her? So she can carry away his only boy? Umm no  daddy could not allow that no ma'am he worshiped the ground Clarence walked on.

One time an overseer grabbed ya papa she tossed her fist in the air animated and dislocated his shoulder he was nine when it happen or so I heard.

My daddy ripped off his belt and whipped that white overseer to bloody ribbons they say. Mammy Isabel tell my daddy he better let everyone know never to lay a hand on her boy again or she will run and never come back not caring if she died or Clarence died too. Isabel said she would not see her son get no lashes not a one.

Every slave on the estate said they never seen my daddy so angry. It was that day she whispered real theatrical the slaves said that must be Master Alex son but they were never to speak of it NO! Clarence was to never ever know. Papa Alexander  threatened to sell anyone who told no one wanted to get sold to a master who was cruel so every one kept it hush she zipped her lips tossing away the key.

She nodded staring at Fi who was glued. What was your roll Clara? Me? I was two years of age I didn't have a roll.

Safinah elevator eyed her I will get you some clothes to wear you will move to a room in the basement the door will lock at night in my house not this one. You will be my personal help.

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