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Chapter 40

Clara woke with the rising sun waiting for her doors to be unlocked so she could eat with the rest of the slaves in canteen there was one that was sweet on her and she could sure use some sex. The door was unlocked she showered with the other vampire slaves outside. No one challenged her because she was the oldest and vampire and technically the respect went to her.

She sat for breakfast the oldest male vampire approached her. What is the exit plan he said in Russian. A guard pretended not to hear flipping his body cam on using a button in his uniform pocket.

What do you mean escape? Yes Clara. When you figure out how to get these collars off our necks the ankle bracelets off both of them and the explosive detonator chip in our back and legs out which is so close to the main artery that if you nick it you are dead anyway I am all ears.

He grinned the one in my back is out. No way she grinned drinking warm bland low vitamin blood how? Someone here knows how.  Who Jacob? You need not know we are slowly removing them then we will work on ankles and neck. She nodded yes. Whatever you can find out to help us do tell. Always. He walked off whispering with his comrades.

The guard transmitted the recording to Prince Seven who understood Russian but never mastered speech. He got out of Mercy's bed covering her kissing her head still fully dressed he walked in the hall Shiloah stared grinning fangs showing. Nothing like that brother. Not get baby brother Shiloah grinned. Where is Diamond? Sleep possibly pregnant we've been trying Seven. Yeah I hear you Big Bro. 

Haha whatever man what gives. Where is Dad we have a situation with his slaves. Our slaves. Shiloah do you think Dad is wrong and should kill them? Shiloah chuckled from what I hear and read in the scrolls dad has always walked his own road emancipating himself at fifteen to marry mom so who knows what is in Marcus' head. Seven laughed at him calling thier dad Marcus.

I mean they were all for us being enslaved so dad is making them live what they support besides we have to clean up the county and empty towns after the war who is gonna do that us? They caused it let them pay for it Shiloah shrugged his shoulders smacking on bitter blood.

Seven laughed can you believe dad will be our new Vampire King bro? Yep cause they said it when he was 14 papa and Nick groomed him to rule that is why they were so hard on him and why he is hard on us because dads line sits on the throne. Actually the most powerful vampire sits Shiloah. Which is dad and his line Uncle Malcolm's line can't sit they are seers and they can't be Elders either baby Bro at least until Marcella is born.

Seven grinned Marcella I wonder who's line she comes from? Uncle Malcolm said Hayden and Destiny. Of course she does they laughed Dad said she almost killed him with black death and she was only seven when the witches kidnapped her and bought her here. How did they know who she was? Hayden the seer in him saw it but he told them he just knew. They bought that Shiloah no questions asked? We are talking about Hayden he never gets questioned you know that Seven go now baby bro dad is resting in his room.


Hey son what up? How do you feel Dad? Much better walking now I get sun light headaches but that's normal. Dad? Yes Seven? There is an uprising brewing. What?! Micah I will call you back seven said an uprising is brewing. Yes you heard me Micah. Do not start up I am not going to kill the slaves it is free labor they will fix what they caused. Bye Micah Marcus scoffed telling me how to run MY slaves. Seven chuckled at his dad mumbling bis frustrations like his Grammy. 

Help me get my uniform on son please. Yes Dad. These mother fuckers think I am playing get my diamond cane the one with the red rose on top. The glass one? Diamond Seven all diamonds encrusted in platinum. I see it dad. Dad are you adopting Mercy? If she says it is okay son yes.

Can we be together if you do? Of course Seven I am doing it to care for her on paper make her my child that comes with perks you know this. You see Mercy can't be out here without help she needs a good man to love her yes? Yes dad. How did she end up in Dairy? She grew up in Peach county she came from a good family Hunter sent the background on the family a blue collar family like how we started out as free slaves.

White vampires killed her parents she heard humans kept vampires out in Dairy making it a sanctuary or at least they try and she went there for safety. Mercy needed a job Pete hired her she slept in the basement I was in the garage.

He got sick she can't stay without him humans would do god knows what without his protection son I took her with me. Do you like her in spite of her situation? Yes dad she has a sweet nature innocent like. Good move slow son enjoy the courtship that is something I never had I married your mother as a teen groom then I married Kayla without courtship. 

I have no idea what it is to date your wife before you marry her like Shiloah, Chas, Hayden and Asher. I am trying to tell Sky but Raven has his talons sunk into my boy making him marry that native American girl what's her name?

Seven chuckled Sun On The Horizon dad they call her Sunny. Whatever, the boy is fifteen and Raven has it all planned out I am telling you Raven and I are gonna bump heads because I am going to have to pull rank. Do you.know what this fool told me Seven?

What Dad? As they walked to the front. He said Marcus he may not be a vampire warrior and does not need to train this summer. Seven stopped walking he said that? Marcus fixed his inner chest plate staring at Seven. I will be visiting Colorado unannounced as soon as the Elders make me Pharaoh and I am bringing my son back with me to train. What if Sky refuses?

I am going to grab his bitch and threaten to kill her if he don't pick that blade up. Hahaha dad you are ruthless. No, I am real we will always have enemies what if they are out and one grabs her what is he gonna do cry or die trying? Die trying. That is right son. See what happened when those humans robbed Destiny ahem she was pregnant with Harlem at the mall took her car then punched her in the face? I heard about it the scrolls say Hayden killed all of them within 24 hours. The scrolls say Hayden came home drenched in human blood and that he gifted Destiny five human heads in a garbage bag and her car is it true dad? Marcus scoffed who's son is that? Your's dad. Anger gets shit done Seven understand me? Yes dad. Good.

Imagine you telling Lord Anubis you were not training. Seven laughed with his dad. Uncle Anubis would kill me. Truth son come son let us dismantle this so called uprising bullshit call Delton I need my savage.

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