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Chapter 33

Clarence saw Niarchos off with Blaise for a couple of weeks. Gabriel hugged and kissed him wiping his tears. Marcus understood what he was doing Nicky this is why you need to go with Blaise you become so enraged you would harm your own son. You had a breakthrough by finally saying what is bothering you now you need to get help yes? Yes honey. Marcus is fine we have a strong son the screams you heard were the healers setting his bones. He is sleep now. Mercy down there falling out. Who? Gabriel looked away Marcus done adopted him a human a girl. Niarchos laughed umm Artie ain't gonna like that. What choice does she have cause honey he said that is his daughter okay? We all have adopted children that belong to us Micah Niarchos stared at her making her laugh. Touché Nicky. You waltzed that white boy all up and through here like don't touch him he is MY son not yours and not yours. Niarchos imitated her voice while Clarence rolled dice with Blaise on the porch making Blaise laugh as he lost money.

You still better not touch my white boy she teased that is MY baby now and always love me my Micah. He loves his Mercy. Gabriel laughed she is carrying on okay? The healers put her out. Hahah she made Nick laugh. They looked up a helicopter was landing oh lord. What honey? More drama Kayla. Niarchos chuckled Fi is gonna light into her about not helping her with the twins. They will work it out. Go Gabriel said teary eyed. I will be back for the dinner and photo shoot choose loud colors i want. Nice new Alpha and Queen pic for oud Lycan family. Lord what is that three million copies Nicky? Fifteen million bae. How are the female wolves and young male pa k working out at Lycan Manor I met in Vegas?

Good the she wolves are training as Queens guards. She smiled good we need to start handing out appointments and assignments to the packs here and abroad there are to many wolves at lycan Manor they have to go to make room for the new wolves that have to be trained. Agreed I will speak with the seniors about that when I come home.

She hugged him kissing him passionate. Go now she wiped her eyes Blaise! He came take care of my man. I will my Queen he kissed her cheek you see he is shooting with loaded dice Gabriel using that old earth magic on the roll. Clarence pulled his rifle from behind his rocker go before I shoot you for calling me a cheat!

They laughed as Blaise ran to the car. Clarence put the rifle down Im going to check on Marcus then Fi okay Clarence. Yes baby. He sat down hearing Harper cry. He closed his eyes connecting with Harper mentally swinging with him in a park showing him the sky until he fell asleep peacefully. Clarence disconnected from him. Thank you papa Fi whispered. You are welcome my baby.

Ember walked up with Thoth. Great one good evening. Good evening Lord Thoth. Thoth smiled. Tonight Ember took me to a moving picture. A movie Thoth. Yes a movie Great One. Did you like it? I do not see the wisdom in it how does it help grow the mind? Ember shook her head. I am sorry my love but I want your fathers thought.

That is just it Thoth the movie is designed to take your mind off real life issues and wisdom make you forget problems transform you in a world of fantasy if only for a hour or so. Ah why didn't you say that sweetie? Because I am sixteen Thoth not 300 like papa. The healers are here? Yes Thoth. May I? Sure. Thank you great one I never grow board seeing them mend a body excuse me. He kissed Embers head walking past her.

How can I ever be as smart as he is papa? You won't be yourself Ember I am sure he loves you the way you are. She grinned that is what he says. Then believe him. I am sure he had issues with women being all knowing and so wise. He is comfortable with you and you are with him right? Of course papa yes. Good.

Papa? She lay he head in his lap don't go please ten years is a long time to be without you. You never left the other kids for ten years why would you leave David and I? I left them before Ember. Yes papa they were grown Hayden is not your son so technically you did not leave him when Fi was missing. All the children are mine Ember they hold my venom this makes them mine. You know what I mean papa please don't be so literal.

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