Ruby Eyed Seer II

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Chapter 41

The children rushed to New Orleans as Khallah Said Chris and Kadence cried in Blaise's house because they could not wake Niarchos. Clarence had the medical team fly Niarchos to New Orleans.

All the children and grandkids flocked to Micah's house for instruction hearing Malcolm was making the trip to see what happened. Myles was crying over his parents hysterically as camera's continued to document but not stream that the lycan king and Queen were locked in a sleeping trance. Evan and Sophia showed with a shaken David as he held his crying twin sister Ember fire for support.

Marcus walked in completely healed except for light sensitivity and mild headaches. Justice and Kiki flew in from London as soon as they heard as did Big Khallah and sister Cynthia from Safinah's London castle and pack they ran for her.

Safinah sat bedside to her parents crying holding Bishop's hand. Daddy..... daddy..... Wake up it's baby Fi wake up daddy. She begged them both but neither responded.  Zion and Joan checked their vampire vitals there was nothing wrong.

Clarence was locked mentally out Evan tried shaking his head no he was unable to gain access. How this be white man? How dey lock us both out dey heads? Ain't no way dey mo powerful den us together ya think hoodoo? No I would sense it Evan.

Clarence sat crying this is my fault I drove her to it. The kids told him not to blame himself. The house was super packed all rooms were booked from the basement to the attic even a room off the wine cellar was taken.

The guest houses went to the Elders while kids slept on the living room floor. Marcus lifted his mother rocking her on his lap like she was his child. Come on now mama Markie is calling you wake up my Queen I can't rule without you mama he whispered I just can't.

His tears wet stray hairs causing them to lock into a kinky curls. Mama come back he whispered laying her down gently placing her hand on top of Niarchos' hand. Marcus knelt on Niarchos' side of the bed bring her back safe brother he whispered in Arabic because it was Niarchos who taught him the language refusing to speak English with him until he mastered it.

Carol cried in baby Khallah's arms. Hayden shook his head no as he and Destiny combined powers to break whatever they put up to keep them all out. Kadence put his head on Niarchos' hand Alpha Grandpa wake up now he screamed crying hysterically! Khallah grabbed him away as he screamed on his way out the room.

I can't even see what is keeping us out papa Destiny screamed crying as Sparkle walked in with Caspian Harlem and baby North. Sparkle went to see Clarence and her mother while Angel cried with Safinah. Papa we can use old earth magic. No Sparkle your Uncle Malcolm said wait until he can see what is wrong.

Malcolm entered the kids were happy to see him. He went to see Clarence in a room full of men. What happened papa?  Blaise told them without saying everything. We had another break through about his trauma then he said I want to stop talking so we did. Staff said he was heard crying really hard I ran to aide him. By the time we got the door open we were late. He hung up with Gabriel and fell asleep that is all nothing else.

Blaise wiped his eyes. It is not your fault Blaise Niarchos can mask his true feelings well Clarence tapped his arm his eyes red from crying. Gabriel is really cross with me for the first time I felt hate for me come from her. I should have taken her request more serious but the role of maker and husband well the chalk lines blur and can be confusing even for me.

I can say dat be true Evan agreed. I am going into Mama's mind  pop can I speak with you alone please? Clarence and Malcolm left speaking in the yard. Papa I am scared. Why? Malcolm shook his head pacing in his designer suit his tie loose hair cut inti a blind 360 wave Caesar cut coming from Washington. I have a confession I was in Nick's head remember that time I was ten and home sick pop?

Yes. Well I got in his room went in when he was asleep. Malcolm began to cry. Clarence held his trembling son it is okay what happened? Malcolm wiped his face papa Nick has been through some fucked up shit things he has never told anyone. That bad huh? Yes pop. I tried to delete some of it Malcolm but I was still a young vampire I wasn't that strong Malcolm. You failed those memories are still there papa.

What did you see you have to say it to get rid of the fear before you go in.  Marcus made him unlock all this baggage now you have to help him face it. No more containing it Malcolm Niarchos has to unpack his shit understand son. Yes papa. That animal Calabasas sold Niarchos out Malcolm told Clarence telepathically shaken.

Clarence sat crying realizing how bad it got and he was young papa. Okay he and Clarence calmed themselves that is why he has us locked out he does not want us to see. Whatever happened he must be showing his wife and does not want any of us to see Malcolm.

Pop when did Niarchos become so strong? Malcolm Niarchos is an old vampire or have you forgotten? I do tend to forget. I think we all do son. Malcom jumped up and down shaking and stretching. He inhaled and exhaled okay okay he said over and over psyching himself up for Niarchos' brain walk.

Go in like it is not Niarchos try and hide yourself from him appeal to your mother if she begs him to let her out he will. Okay papa. Let me get the bedroom they are in ready pop.

Whatever you need Malcolm I am here.

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