Her Truth

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Chapter 6

Gabriel wake up. Humm? Sugar. Yes, Clarence? A hungover naked Gabriel grabbed the sheet off her naked husband her hair a mess. What? Delton wants a dowry and wants to give you away at the wedding instead of Niarchos. Gabriel fell back in the plush king coast to coast hand built by her husband super large canopy mahogany ornate bed. She crawled across gimme snatching the request. Just pay it, Daddy. Why? Cause he is right for one you are marrying his daughter you don't have to open the books to him just give him a little go away money. Besides, you and Delton are best friends.

He stared at the paper then her not best friends. Yes, Clarence best. Delton stuff my pipe! Delton why is this like this? Call Delton no I said get Delton. Delton get the horses and rifles I hear someone on our land. Delton, come drink with me, Delton come play spades don't cheat! Delton blood please this is rancid check the fridge temp. Delton why are all these animals roaming free what happened? Marcus bring Delton home. Guess why? Why Sugar? Delton, are we on for cards tonight? Good, bring a few whiskey blood bottles. Oh lord don't let some shit be going down you will skip over your own lutenant stealing Marcus' to kill for you and collect for you on those who are refusing to pay. Last I checked that was Nicky's job. How do I send the Lycan Alpha out for mere collections that's above him. Gabriel stared smiling through messy kinks of long tangled hair.

Clarence grinned, "Yeah... You're that is my bestie Sugar. Lord if you both go on a collection together and it got wild, I have to hear the story for at least two years bae. Haha.

Yes he took Vaughn and Elijah's place not that anyone can ever replace them but you sure do all the things you did with Elijah getting drunk telling old stories remembering old times talking about women you slept with. Yeah I hear you. Clarence chuckled. With Vaughn y'all smoking playing cards, you accusing Vaughn of cheating. Vaughn accusing you of cheating. Y'all drunk calling Chance only for him to say no one was cheating.

You do all that with Delton. Not to mention how close he and Marcus have become. When Marcus calls--

Delton has to go Sugar. Then you were actually arguing with Marcus over his own lutenant because he has to send him to new orlesns cause there was a short with the weed business that you are a part of, may I add.

They hugged laughing, pay it keep your friend. No money is worth losing all that over. Yes , ise Queen but what about giving you away? Nicky can walk me half way to Delton and he can walk me the rest of the way or reverse since , symbolically, I began with Delton, then Nicky who will give me to you. That is so nice sugar. Gabriel went back to sleep Clarence slapped her ass. No, that is why my head hurts fresh. Hahah.

Malcolm arrived to Destiny and Hayden's gifted house and land by the coal mines. Hayden rode from the mines on his Spanish stallion a gift from Clarence when he turned sixteen. Uncle what are you doing here? Malcolm held the horses reins tying him to the post in the front of the house. I came to see you both privately. Hayden hopped down dirty from coal hugging his Uncle. Come nephew us speak as two vampires should.

The maid bought them ice blood as they sat on the porch to talk I got your challenge. Why? Papa has decreed Destiny and I live in the house of seers five years away from Harlem and Winter. Papa has never pules you or Dad away from your children. Why would he do this? When papa said let Egypt stay in Anubis' heaven so I do not have to send her to our jail and Anubis made her stay until her 30th birthday was that not me separated from my child and grandchild Ramses Hayden?

When Marcus moved to Lawless away from you and Chas for five years that was papa sending Marcus away because he had enemies that would seek to kill his children after killing Fi, or so we thought.

Your father did not argue he went you it hurts him to this day he had to leave you children with no mother and no father. Nick stayed at lycan manor during the lycan war and attacks he did not see mama or his children for two years in person. Nor did Fi and Marcus during the blood war nephew how can you forget our histories?

We have all been separated for the strength and saftey of our vampire kingdom. None of us asked for this life or calling, but we are here nephew heavy is the head that wears a crown...you Destiny and I wear crowns as long as we do our heads will remain heavy. You and Destiny must go and be trained.

Have you seen something Uncle? Yes, I have seen us weak because we have one strong seer and two who remain I What about Cairo? Egypt? Hayden, you know they are no where near as strong as you Destiny and myself. They are second level seers not supremes like we are. Like you are Uncle Hayden corrected Malcolm respectfully.

Hayden you cannot run from this fate...your inevitable fate nephew this is your road you are a skilled vampire warrior no one can take this from you but this season of warrior training in your life has come to a victorious end. The road of your life is winding into a fork and is guiding you into strengthening your gift as a seer. You are more powerful then Destiny your human grandmother's gift is strong in you amplified by vampire blood.

You were not my biological son so I could not demand your steps AA a seer. But your father promised me when the war ended he would release you in my capable hands to build you up and make you as powerful he and I nephew.

The battle is done now allow me make you feared, invincible and powerful using the mind. When you married my daughter you became my son and as your uncle and father in law it is time you take heed Hayden.

Hayden removed Marcus sunglasses staring at Malcolm get out of my head nephew. Hayden laughed. You mind walk heavy at this stage and age of your life no one should detect your mind searches or walking of memories. Hayden put his glasses back on
when done he stared at his hand. Did that hurt Hayden? No uncle I never felt you inside guiding my arm. That is my point to walk the mind take control when needed handling your business leaving the host without detection or pain.

Can you do it to papa? Malcolm laughed no for one reason. Why? Papa and mama are my makers. That's right. They can sense me way before I try it is those senses that alert them I am inside mama too now that she is older.

So nephew, I will withdraw you leaving for the gullah islands I will leave what I have seen up to you. One day Marcus will step down and you will lead you know this from speaking with Marcella. You know you are an all powerful seer in 1000 years. Ask yourself how did you become so powerful?

Why Destiny too Uncle? She needs work Hayden lets leave it there. Hayden laughed yes Uncle. Yes, you are going Hay? Yes, Uncle, for the kingdom. No nephew, go for YOUR kingdom the one you will leave to your children and children's children. Yes, Uncle Hayden nodded smiling at Malcolm. Malcolm hugged Hayden with you gone Shiloah has a chance to shine as a warrior vampire in Marcus' eyes. Hayden chuckled yeah well he has been waiting patiently. You are a hard act to follow nephew. Thank you Uncle Malcolm.

Daddy? Destiny had on a sun hat at night what were you doing baby? Gardening papa checks every day says it looks good I am doing a good job look he built us a green house. I see that was the old one fi had before he got her the big one she has now. Destiny smiled. Come let us take a night stroll on your new property baby. Okay daddy.

Hayden watched and listened as Malcolm told her the truth. He put her hand to his head letting her feel and see everything first hand. Destiny ran off Hayden ran after her Malcolm stopped him. Let her go she needs a time, nephew.

What did you show her uncle?

Her truth.

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