The Wedding Gift

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Chapter 89

Gabriel got back to the house the wedding party were enjoying the hour before guests arrived. Marcella? Marcella ran to Gabriel Grammy congrats. She stared at her dress is that Safinahs dress when she was fourteen? Marcella smiled it was in the vintage clothing warehouse. Really? What is that? Malcolm gave her a look shaking his head no. Oh don't pay that red eyed dragon no mind baby tell Grammy. Well you had an idea I'm not sure when but you started to keep some of all our clothing and store it in the hollings vintage closet. A warehouse you got downtown. Well it's a store but our clothes are on a private floor at the very top. You should see it Grammy a whole three rooms belong to grampy Malcolm and the candy man has like four rooms one specifically for his Grunge look. Oh Grammy you should see papa Nick and Chance clothes from the civil war Aunt Mary and grandma Ann too. Wait till you see grandpa Evan he sure dressed expensive during slavery. Gabriel giggled grandpa Evan stole them clothes. Don't you go lying to this baby Evan done bought plenty a dry goods woman. Gabriel gave her a look, siping blood making Marcella laugh. I knowed you be here look what grandpa Evan got you. He gave her a case Marcella opened it a bracelet with Evan's house crest on it.

You shows that to any vampire they bows before you or they suffers my wrath you heared me Chile? Yes grandpa Evan. Evan slipped the bracelet on ger wrist you treat it like coven jewels you don't take it off see ya aunties and cousins they all got it on. Yes grandpa we do now and in the future. Good Chile go see ya grandma Sofie. Okay grandpa.

Come baby. Gabriel walked to the plant patio with Clarence. Gabriel watched Evan back up toward the Venus fly trap which was a large as a bowling ball. The plant moved placing itself in position to grab Evan by the head.

The plant opened it's mouth Evan put Alexander's walking stick in its mouth. He slapped the plant it was coughing loud Evan grabbed the stick go away. Ole Evan done lived to long to let a plant take me out bitch.

The plant called to her old earth. Clarence came to the patio what's wrong baby looking up to the fourty foot tall venus fly trap? Evan fixed his smoking jacket same damn thang happen to you happen to that plant when she tried to take me out. Clarence reached his hand up petting the leaves okay okay baby. Clarence stared at Evan dirty Evan chuckled that the same look you gimme da night I turn you. You mean the night Sofia turned me. Evan chuckled I said what I said. Gabriel's jaw dropped she stepped in front of Clarence what you saying Evan? I said what I done said. Reason why you try and kill me and can't ain't only cause I'm the father of all vampires but cause you can't kill yo own maker.

Evan sat down lighting a cigar. Now don't you frown all up and make dis day anything less den joyus. Ole Evan come bear his turn a real good gift. That gift be truth and dese. Evan pulled a old leather bound beat up book out his pant waist. Yep Ole Evan done save dis fo da white man long time now fo his special wedding day seeing how I miss da first.

Dis too Evan tossed Alexander's walking stick to Clarence. I think it only fittin you keeps da very weapon I killed your human hood wit i push dat blade in your rib cage and cut ta throat wit it in dat apple orchard.

Evan pulled the lions's head, drawing a sharp silver blade glistening under moonlight. Bet you never knowed Alexander walk with a weapon every where he gone not like us vampires we is da weapon twenty fo hours a day seven day a week. Man like Alexander, do shady bidness like he done, and  well I don't blame him. Gabriel gave Evan a look of why today? He nodded at Gabriel smiling reassuringly.

Clarence was shocked beyond words. Sofia walked out onto the patio seeing the truth on his face she slipped the sound proof double glass doors shut. Niarchos opened the doors go back Niarchos Clarence commanded. Pop I--

NOW! The wedding party turned back staring at Clarence. He's fine, guys. Gabriel reassured them.

Sofia hugged Clarence calm down now she whispered, calm down wiping his tears.

Let me splain my baby Clarence.

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang