Ember's Request

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Chapter 21

Georgia Hollings Estate.....

Malcolm knocked on Halo's door come in it's open. Malcolm walked in to her and Donnell having coffee. Donnell kneeled stand up fool he had the same temperance for him Gabriel had since it was his daughter he got pregnant. Halo I came to speak with you. I know you don't visit any of us unless you have something pressing to say. That is not true you did not know me to long before the war there were weeks I would not leave the estate. Halo smiled hopefully those days will return soon brother. She hugged Malcolm making him smile she was like his mother before the ways of the world got to her. When she was softer more understanding and accepting of other peoples problems without thinking they were trying to run game on her.

Coffee? Malcolm looked around is this the furniture from the Queens kitchen? Yep! Mama had it imported here everything even the pots dishes and mugs. I see it it is an exact replica down to the teal colored walls. Mama had the paint custom made because they stopped making the color in 1969. Beautiful Halo.

Malcolm touched the table and saw his grandmother Gail feeding Gabriel as a baby. He was gone mentally about ten minutes smiling when the memory faded. What did you see Malcolm? How do you know I saw something? We all know she giggled passing him coffee. I saw our grandmother feeding our mother she was about six months old Halo. I wanna see. Malcolm stared in her eyes Halo was transformed watching the memory again with Malcolm as they stood in the Queens New York tiny kitchen watching the love their grandmother had for their mom.

Halo wiped her eyes that was beautiful what a wonderful gift brother I could feel Grandma Gail's love for mama. I allowed you to feel it so no matter what anyone tells you about Grandma Gail you will know they were lying. Despite everything she endured she loved both her children mama and Uncle Rory.

Halo wiped her eyes smiling. You are special brother Halo kissed his hand not as special as you sister you gave our mother back something terrible she lost. You filled a void none of us could fill her first born baby.

Halo smiled. Malcolm looked at Donnell wickedly leave please he spewed. Donnell stood leaving the house. You and mama can be a little nicer Malcolm. Yeah we could...one day just not today sis. She shook her head can't say he didn't exactly earn it. Malcolm cut his eyes at the window Donnell passed.

You know why I am here Halo? Yes Raphael. Sis he loves you. He has to let go Malcolm he never told me who or what he was. Please speak with him hear his side please for me... Humm? Halo smiled okay one condition. What? You show me my parents when they first held me in the hospital and let me feel how they felt. Deal it was beautiful sis a real tear jerker. Donnell loved mama really bad. He still does Malcolm or did you ignore that purple ring. Haha.

I am going to leave but I will be out front. On the porch with Donnell to torture him with old memories be hates. Haha don't haha. Malcolm exited when she turned around Raphael was sitting at the table looking human.

She didn't move you lied to me. Sorry baby how do you say I am a warrior angel for heaven. The same way you say I am a vampire yet you never told me Halo.

I was working up to it Raphi. I know you were baby so why couldn't I be in the same situation? Halo looked away realizing he was right.

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