Halo & Raphael

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Chapter 23

Halo & Raphael....

Halo sat staring at Raphael I want to see the real you. You mean in Angel form Halo? Yes that is the way God made you right? I look the same Halo same face I mean I wouldn't deceive you. I want to see what you look like when God looks at you the way he created you Raphael. He smiled you want to see a real angel is that it? She grinned don't all humans?

You have doubt he laughed. You don't think I am one you think we are joking Halo...baby I am one I promise. Then show me is it forbidden Raphael? No hon. Then show me. Let me ask Malcolm to show you through his eyes. No Raphael I want to see in real time please. You know Malcolm can't alter the look of a heavenly host or a demon right? Okay and Raphael? Halo baby I---

She backed up from him. Raphael went to get Malcolm he and Donnell were arguing about Egypt. Malcolm? What?! Oh sorry Raphael what's up? He was quiet but said it telepathically to Malcolm who answered ok so show her man I know you are huge we can go to the barn come on there is plenty of room there. The three walked to the barn.

Halo I need you to stand in front of me Malcolm said. As a matter of fact lets sit here on these bale of hay. Okay she giggled. Raphael grew tall and wide the ground shook upsetting the animals. When he was done Halo walked over to a 15 for tall Raphael who adorned six wings with black feathers his feet had long talons. The sword on his back was larger then he along with his shield and helmet. Remove your helmet. He took it off holding it under his left arm. His breast plate had odd symbols and letters etched in it was did his helmet and sword. His eyes burned a color she never saw before. There was a peace that reignited off of him. Open your wings. Raphael opened the top set as there was no room for all four to open.

You're the most beautiful being I have ever lay my eyes on Raphael. Malcolm smiled at her reaction. Why do I feel---

At peace Malcolm completed her statement. Yes at peace brother. It is God's love resignating off him other beings get whatever they need the most for you it is peace for me it is acceptance into what I can do it never gets old sis.

Malcolm closed his eyes holding out his arms and head back soaking up the loving feeling like sun rays on a cold day.  The light was so glorious and warming she never saw a light that shade or a brightness of that magnitude. Halo stared up at a kneeling Raphael who looked down at his beloved with eyes full of heavens light. Halo reached her tiny hand up as Raphael lowered his large cheek next to her hand. Tears fell from her eyes because in all her life she never felt anything so enlightening.

She ran her hand over his large fingers adorned with odd symbols under his skin she'd never saw. In fact they were imbedded in his hands and palms. Upon closer look it was also under his cheeks and face but you had to look close because his skin was a dark mahogany beautiful flawless brown. Raphael's hair was locked and lengthy in human form he was bald. Halo touched his hair that was soft and full of trinkets she'd never seen wondering about thier origins she smiled taking a closer look. What is this Raphael? Raphael answered her and only Halo could hear him. The barn rattled at the vibration of his voice which unsettled the horses. Malcolm ran to calm them. Halo went to touch his black feathery wings Raphael closed them. They cut they are weapons sis. Oh, Halo said staring at Raphael as he retracted his wings.

Halo sat back on the hay stacks Malcolm held her hand to get a reading she was in total awe with what she saw and has so many questions which reminded him of the early memories he saw when his mom was first turned vampire.

Raphael morphed to human form before her eyes. Halo hugged him crying in his arms. Malcolm smiled leaving them to chat.

Dairy Georgia Illegal Vampire Nest....

Marcus kicked the door wide open he ripped his hoodie biting himself several times all over his arms and scratching his neck and face. Onlookers wondered why was he maiming himself. What is he doing Clarence?

Chance stood up clapping NO FUCKING WAY POP HE IS TAKING ME BACK! Sorry Gabriel she waved her hand at Chance forgiving his swearing. What? Y'all tell me. It is best you see for yourself Sugar. Marcus put the chest cam on the steps leading to the next level up he punched himself in the mouth busting his own lip. He slapped himself bruising his cheeks and neck area black and blue.

He put the camera back on showing his face and condition first making his vampire fans go wild. Marcus walked stealthily up the steep stairwell when he reached three from the top he fell to his knees dragging on the floor making sure a bloody trail was behind him.

Help....heeeelp...please....hellllp me..... Somebody?.....!!! Help. The lead gunman vampire opened the metal door leading to the gambling room where the rest of the crew that were in on the lick at Pete's were seated. What the hell Low go down and see what happened. Low stepped over a bloody crying aloud half dead Marcus to get help leaving only four vampires behind. Help he panted breathing laboured making Hayden Destiny and Sparkle laugh together on the phone. Oh my God Sparkle said from under the sea Caspian get in here! Caspian on legs walked to Sparkle holding their five year old mermaid son North to see his Uncle Marcus in Action. Heir stared glued to the TV as he was slighted to begin training that very summer. What is Uncle Markie doing mom? Pay attention she giggled.

Marcus balled crying his eyes out. A vampire stood over him real superior look at this weak as nigga he ain't trying to save himself. Marcus skedaddled as quick as he could on his belly the vampire hyper sped making it to the other side of the room before Marcus could. He kicked Marcus in the rib Gabriel grabbed Chamces jacket making him laugh at ber fear. Please he did not feel that as bad as me Grip and Nick stomped him out during training Gabriel that is a baby kick from a new vampire.

Owwwww that hurt Marcus called out in agony making Clarence and Chance laugh at the top of thier lungs. The vampire went to kick Marcus again he raised his foot CRACK CRACK CRACK. AHHHHH! FUCK!!!!
MY LEG! MY ANKLE! MY KNEE! FUCK! The cracking in his leg continued as viewers saw bones shifting and poking through flesh from all areas in his right leg. His knee cap was in back of his leg his chin bone broken the sharps of the bone piercing flesh.

Marcus remained on the floor in fetal position begging for his life as three vampires ran to the aide of their friend. That is when Marcus wickedly honed in on him low growling.

The trigger vampire.



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