WTF are you doing?

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Chapter 29

Clarence gave Chance a dirty look I swear papa I had no idea. Now I am papa boy? Clarence said angrily to Chance telepathically you better be clear of this mess. What the hell is Niarchos doing in an underground vampire fight ring has everyone gone mad Sugar?! Marcus being a poor man breaking up vampire nests and this one in an underground vampire fight Clarence Jesus take the wheel PLEASE.

The M.C announced this is vampire Elder Niarchos Hollings. At one point in his career he sentenced and incarcerated these three Rouge vampires! Between them they have 30 years of incarceration. Not only did Elder Niarchos apprehend them at the pharaoh's order but he judged and sentenced them as well!

Vampires got angry tossing glass bottles at  the caged dome that had the four vampires locked inside on bloody sand. Nicky NO! Gabriel yelled knowing he could hear her over the roaring angry crowd. Niarchos ignored her removing his shirt making the women whistle at his sexy posterior.

Clarence Gabriel called to him mentally feeling her makers anger rise. Myles! Clarence called his son did you know about this? No papa I swear Diva shook her head to agreeing with Myles. Fi called Marcus' phone turn on VLTV! How Fi? Channel three hurry Hacker put it on your TV. How?

NO MATTER Marcus DADDY IS Gonna DIE! She was screaming and crying put Bishop on Fi. What is this Bishop? Dad is in Vegas in an illegal fight pit fighting three vampires he arrested and judged.

Oh my God why?! Call Baby Khallah on three way now Bishop! Hold on..Baby Khallah what the fuck is this?

Listen Marcus dad said he was going on a run that was this morning and then this he never said shit about Vegas or no damn fight ring Marcus I swear. Does this nigga have a damn death wish?! Bishop! Tell Fi I said stop screaming I can't think and it ain't good for the baby. Micah called Angel who called Malcolm who Called baby Khallah who chimed them in with Bishop and Marcus.

What in the whole fuck? Angel asked making them all laugh. He is tripping cause of mama Angel added. Yep Dad always does dumb shit when mama has to go away with pop Khallah added. Look at Myles trying to stop the damn fight they laughed at him pulling his coven medallion screaming he is a Lycan prince and to stop it ASAP Marcus read his lips he is threatening to run down on them with wolves Marcus informed them amping up their concerns even more.

Myles took a contract back to Clarence signed by Niarchos a death match contract. Myles showed Clarence reading it. Clarence burned it in his palm making the crowd laugh.

Move! Clarence sat on the edge of his seat screaming at Myles who stepped out of his view. The stadium went dark and the dome lit with ultraviolet light showing every blood stain ever inside and outside the dome as it was sprayed daily with luminal during the day.

The three vampires charged a super charged Niarchos who ran around them hyper speeding on the inner wall to the dome in circles so fast no one could see him. He snatched the head off of one vampire still running on the inner dome wall.

He stopped at the tallest part of the dome dropping 350 pounds of pure Vampire sexy male on the head of a second vampire draining him before his dead carcass hit the bloody sand pit.

Niarchos stood staring at the last vampire all six fangs sharp and drawn. One hand the paw of a wolf the other a vampire hand adorned with jagged nails. The crowd went wild seeing Niarchos was in hybrid form. Niarchos sniffed his nose shifted to a wolf while his other features remained human looking. He panted sniffing the air smelling his opponents fear. The vampire ex con hyper sped into Niarchos wrapping his arms around his waist in an attempt to pick him up.

Niarchos raised his paw extracting his sharp claw lifting his vampire hand his nails growing seven sharps dug his nails and claws into the vampires spine pulling it out tearing his body in two parts. Tossing his left side right on the gates dome sprinkling the crowd with blood and the right side behind him doing the same.

There was a hush. Niarchos' sons screamed in delight on the phone. Fi was holding Clara crying Clara clapped happy while Ember and Winter danced in the corner together.

The dome gate unlocked the crowd took a turn going from quiet to angry. Vampires cussed and swore angrily clearly high and drunk they tore the lock from the dome gate six vampires rushed in the dome to attack Niarchos with bats, bottles and bricks.

Myles shifted wolf running over the top of the large gated iron dome jumping down running inside to his Father's Aide. Chance hyper-sped to the dome ripping the cage open creating his own entrance. The crowd went wild.

Clarence tore off his crème tux jacket hyper-speeding into the hole chance made. The vampire guards tried pulling a cussing Gabriel out who to safety. She took off her stilettos jumped to the ceiling holding chunks of plaster dropping it on vampires below knocking them out. She crawled across grabbing cement cinders dropping them in opposing vampires as she made her way inside the dome.  Pandemonium, Mayhem, Chaos and confusion were at an all time high!

GUARDS STOP HER! STOP THE QUEEN GUARD THE PHARAOH! Diva called out screaming as vampire guards tried to get in the dome. Myles' videographers knew they better keep streaming live or he would fire them. Gabriel dropped herself in the hole Chance made on top of the round dome landing on the shoulder's of a vampire with her red sequin dress on her hair wild and untamed.

KICK IT DOWN NOW! Diva screamed to the vampire guards who banged thier bodies on the dome trying to gain access. Diva went in Gabriel's purse pulling the gun Grip gifted her fifty years prior. She put the spare bullets in her cleavage firing at vampires trying to get in the dome to kill Niarchos.

Dust clouds and black ash flew on the musty blood wreaked air as holy water dipped sun tipped vampire bullets ended lives back to back. Grip screamed at home KILL THEM MOTHER FUCKERS DIVA! SHOOT EM! BACK UP NIGGAS! Grip screamed as Faith and Rose cussed at the T.V.  Vannah! Savannah ran sitting next to Mary who was working on Gabriel's veil. Marcus stood nervously pacing seeing the attack on his parents. Vampires screamed when they saw Diva shooting vampires o kill. Some ducked down under the seats while others ran for the doors. Diva picked off those running toward the dome one by one like flies.

Clarence sealed the dome with Magic no one else in and damn sure no one out!

Niarchos Hollings Hybrid

Niarchos Hollings Hybrid

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