Karaoke Night

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Chapter 49

The second line continued off the property back to the French quarter where Micah booked a Karaoke bar for his family. Vampires and Lycans camped outside of the bar selling unauthorized merch. Gabriel got out to the horde or sales people stopping look Clarence a crown like mine. You want one? Yes please. Clarence took out a roll of 100 dollar bills. Fi? You want one? It has my name in it! We all do papa! They shouted over the roar of the crowd human TV stations and brand new lycan vampire streaming stations. Security held everyone back as Clarence purchased twenty crowns.

Look Nicky! As he struggled to keep vampires from grabbing them. WWMD? HAHAHAHA! Gabriel and Clarence laughed Marcus! The corner boys ushered him and Fi upfront look! What would Marcus do? Marcus laughed smiling the cameras went off blinding them with the flash. Jessh! They take more pics of Marcus then us Clarence. How many you got fam? Three hundred prince Marcus! $10 each? Yes sir! Marcus passee him $3,000 come see tomorrow at the vampire Magnolia hotel I wanna carry the line on the vampire website. The man and his girl were screaming passing the shirts to Marcus' guards.

Oh mama look! Fi pointed come! Fi called the woman forth come! Security moved people aside oh my a porcelain Safinah doll and look she is pregnant! Looks just like me she put the doll next to her face camera's went off again.

Marcus took the doll kissing the dolls check of course flash was bright. How much? $30 I make them prince Marcus. He gave the doll to Fi kissing his wife's lips cameras flashed more. Kayla watched with Jojo shaking her head. She can have all them Cameras. Joseph chuckled they take our pics too bae.  Yeah they do Dr. Frankenstein I got two celebrity husbands Jesus take the wheel like Auntie says. Haha Joseph slapped his knee.

Look mama! Get her card! The website Fi! They kept pushing Gabriel to the door DESTINY! SPARKLE! ROSE! CAN WE GET A PIC FOR VAMPIRE TEEN CHICK LIT MAGAZINE OWNED BY PRINCE KHALLAH! They posed for the photo. Thank you ladies! Y'all are so bad ass! Mercy held on to Seven nervous just keep waving and smiling baby you are doing fine. Shiloah waved with his wife Diamond. Seth walked through with his girl of the week.  HOLLINGS TRIPLETS PIC FOR BIB? The triplets said at one BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL! Laughing as they held their women all smiles. Prince Seven is this your wife?! Seven looked at Mercy stealing the spotlight Mercy will you marry me?

Seven fell on one knee after knowing her two months. Gabriel, Clarence  Marcus and Fi stopped looking back to see what the commotion was about.  Mercy smiled the vampresses chanted SAY YES GIRL! SAY YES! Yes Seven. The crowd roared and clapped as they sealed it publicly with a kiss. Seven removed his coven chain adorning her neck with it. Seth and Shiloah hugged their brother. Prince Marcus Prince Seven just asked Mercy to marry him what are your thoughts? Mercy is my adopted daughter a victim of the white oppression during tbe war her parents were killed. I loved her as a father instantly she is a beautiful and special young woman. My son is fortunate to have such a wonderful wife. Not to mention you matched them together Safinah said making Marcus and the women laugh.

Prince Marcus what about a matchmaking service? Haha ask Prince Hayden or Princess Destiny they are seers and would be better suited for the job excuse me security rushed them inside.

Hayden! Hayden! Hayden turned on his sight to see who was calling him. Yes love? Will you marry me! She tossed herself on the red carpet vampire guards pulling at her. Destiny looked back shaking her head giggling cameras caught that too. Hayden looked at the ring this is beautiful sweetheart but I am a one Vampress vampire. Princess Destiny won't share and I won't share her but thank you beautiful. She rose Hayden hugged and kissed her. She fainted in a guards arms Hayden gave the ring to her friends.

Ember Fire! Are you really engaged to an Egyptian God? Ember looked at Malcolm who gave her the look of no. No, how silly she giggled. Thoth waved with her as though they were on a float in Egypt. Why won't Malcolm let people know the Gods are real Thoth? Soon my love they just found out vampires, mermaids, and fairy's are real now you wanna toss in Egyptian gods? Ember Fire giggled kissing Thoth's cheek while caught on film.

Grip! Grip! What do you say about naz car removing you from the races because you are vampire and your reflexes are naturally faster? It is in court right now. They allow the transgender community to compete in the olympics and I have faith they will allow vampires and Lycans back in all sports. Thank you...

I am sorry baby a 50 year old human Faith said holding his hand. I know baby i still go the the tracks you know? Stay sharp trust me they are fighting for me. I want to know if you are ready to be turned baby? You are getting older before you know it 20 years done passed. Will you walk time with me and Rose baby please I lost you once and fate bought you back to me come on now gal.

I am worried about Rose I don't think she will do well if I die. She won't that is your woman. Faith laughed yeah well Grip people live and people die. Baby no not tonight please stop talking that way we get drunk and celebrate the day of the vampire we waited a long time for this yes? Yes and this.... She held up a pregnancy test from her purse. NOPE! NOPE!

Who da daddy is?! She smacked Grip's arm. Pop! Grip ran to Clarence showing him the test how? Anubis pop!
Thoth nodded yes at Clarence confirming it was Anubis part of our agreement for protecting Malcolm against Jake. Every once clapped. Us too pop.

Fi looked at Chantel yeah? Yeah girl. Fi hugged her we pregnant together for the first time! Fi hugged Chantel and Faith. Clarence touched Chantel's stomach you wanna know? No papa and you better not slip kissing his hand everyone chuckled. Gabriel looked up to Egypt who plopped next to her my Gypsie I miss you ticked away in Anubis' heaven. The whole family was there Elders as well from that attended the second walk parade.

Gabriel sat back looking at Evan Sophia and her son David walk in late. Her life was good as Delton pushed people off Halo and Raphael ushering them to her table. Gabriel sat looking around tears of joy slipped down her face she grabbed Clarence's hand letting him see through her eyes feeling her gratitude.

You are very welcome Sugar the pleasure was and is all mine Clarence whispered in her fashion.

Goddess Egypt Hollings Goddess of the sun In Anubis' Heaven.

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