Scales Of Justice

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Chapter 76

Clarence entered Hayden's infirmary room. Guards stood outside locking everyone out at his order. No one knew what was happening except Gabriel who was commanded by her husband to keep quiet.

Niarchos closed his father's bedroom door to a nervous Gabriel. Talk to me honey. I can't pharoah's order. Gabriel is Hayden going to die? No Nicky. Niarchos exhaled sitting his knees weak beneath him. She grabbed a pad blocking Clarence she wrote as fast as she could unblocking him.

Niarchos read the pad saying nothing staring up at her. Marcus? He mouthed. Gabriel shook her head no pacing. Niarchos tossed the note in the flames. How? She wrote he unlocked 100% of his mind he...can control space time and physics know things do things we will never be able to. God only knows as a vampire what he can do.

Is he sleep or sedated? Sleep now was sedated Nicky. Why has pop guarded the room? He may be dangerous Ganriel fell on the bed crying. Niarchos held her as Marcus walked in mama he fell to his knees maker of mine is my son dying?

No, Marcus he is alive an quickly healing. Then why has Papa barricaded himself alone with Hayden? I am under a gag order direct by your father. He said to let you know Hayden will live and heal at record speed possibly in a hour or so. That is impossible. Gabriel looked away. That is AL I am at liberty to say.

But Mama--

Marcus my hands are bound. She turned her back on him Niarchos shook his head no. Go tell everyone he will be fine son especially Destiny and her kids please...go now. It will be fine I promise. Marcus exited with better news then when he left his crying family.

The room was dark Hayden opened his eyes staring at his grandfather. Papa his voice deep and groggy why are we in the dark?

Clarence turned on a pen light pointing it at the ceiling Hayden screamed in pain. Clarence handed him a pair of dark sun glasses. He turned on the pen light again Hayden did not scream. What was that Papa? A pen light. So bright?

Hayden... lay back. Clarence sat on his bed telling him the same story he told Gabriel. He held up a hand held mirror. Slowly remove your glasses. Hayden removed them slow the bright gold glow glinting on the looking glass.

I can see again he smiled. can what did you do? I mean during the challenge inside of you what did you change? I tripped a switch Papa. A switch? Yes it gave me more power.

Hayden that switch turned on your brain so that you are using 100% of it instead of about 40% which is a normal vampire usage according to Zion. Malcolm uses 80% because he is seer. Now you use all of it. He passed Hayden the Bible.

I want you to flip the pages as fast as possible but look at the pages as you are doing so son. Hayden did has his grandfather asked. When done he asked....

Hosea 2:3 Clarence called out. Hayden recited it. Revelations 4:16 again Hayden called a swift recital. He handed him a medical journal again Clarence requested the same. How do you conduct a heart transplant Hayden? He explained it word for word.

He how much weight would kill me if it fell on my head grandson? About 2000 pounds depending on the item. How do I know all of those Papa? Because you have access to all of your brain. Tell me how do you beat Marcus is sword battle? Hayden was quiet thinking.  He drops his sword hand for 1.6 seconds between thrusting if I drop to one knee in that sixth of a second I can push a sword up through his rib cage and through his chin slicing his brain in half he would bever recover.

I can beat dad in sword drills Papa? You can kill Marcus by accident you must not battle him until you can control this gift. You are the most powerful now. You by right must lead all covens.

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