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Chapter 14

Quarry Georgia Vampire Red Zone Day III...

Marcus showed to work as usual dishes and pots although not many. It was day III of his challenge. Day three same shirt different day. Do not tell princess Safinah but I had to drink a cat or two today. I felt bad I had to take the life of cats. Honestly I always feel bad about taking an animal life. They are so innocent and they look at you while they are dying like what did I do? I have to make sure they are dead or they will wind up a turned animal which is why princess Safinah and I have so many vampire dogs which i call hell hounds. As you all saw they were weapons of war. Who remembers Hera?

The hearts flew. She was with me in Anubis' heaven she was the very first vampire dog I had. I loved Hera because we were a lot alike. She died having puppies which we thought was impossible but we were wrong. My heart broke when she died I had to name a new Alpha over the digs which is now Zeus. So you all know it is against vampire law to turn animals all I have were turned by thirsty vampires and left for dead. If you find one they drink blood and will never shit on your rug haha. They are real mean and snappy so be careful.

Marcus washed the dishes while he streamed the camera on the shelf while he cleaned. I look at my hand no wedding bands. My fingers feel light give been wearing a band since I was 15 I am 50 now. I miss my wives children and grand babies but I can't say I am not enjoying the solitude no crown no worries just me and what I will eat next.

I think back on my life and how fortunate I have been how blessed did you all know I am homeless? Yes Prince Bishop pointed it out to me my fathers have never given me a house. Wait a second my Godfather Elder Elijah gifted us houses I never saw mine hummm I think I will go. Likes flew.

EVERY BODY GET DOWN THIS IS A STICK UP! Marcus put the camera on his apron kept his skully on he peered out the restaurant style kitchen door GET DOWN! YOU IN THE KITCHEN!

Marcus inhaled deep....vampires she thought.

Grip! The bar Marcus works is being robbed by vampires! WHAT! Grip and Rose ran to Faith's bedroom to see what was happening. Vampires Grip yelled look at the damn eyes y'all. Marcus got down wearing Contact lenses hiding his true eye color. Marcus put the Camera on the floor facing up.

Niarchos called the vampire lycan madji. Get me some stats now! Yes Elder Niarchos. Bishop ran schematics height weight eye colors possible body markings like piercings. His retinal scan on his computer was not working they kept moving around.  Dad? Yeah Bishop? I got partials nothing on the Retina scans. Keep working on it Bishop. Yes Alpha.

Bishop called the lower Lycan lawmen get me fucking something! Clock the sneakers boots clothes something! Get me some fang scans! Admiral Hollings has the perps on camera do not fail me! Yes commander.

Commander I have the shoe sizes. Good get me voice recognition!  Yes commander.

Marcus stayed on the floor hey bitch clear the register hurry! Open that door! The bar tender buzzed them to the back gambling card games they robbed that clearing $40k. Why are you doing this? We all black men! Pete no....Marcus whispered get down. Pete.... He kept walking get out of here! Go! BACK UP! Pete kept being aggressive GET OUT! He grabbed the double barrel sawed off shot gun. BANG!

Pete! A waitress ran as he hit the floor a vampire looked down to the floor his eyes grew large as two half dollars. Yo! We gotta get outta here now! He ran seeing Marcus' face sirens rang as police quickly closed in to their aide.  Pete.....

Marcus placed the tiny camera back on his chest he ran over to Pete applying pressure. Donna go get me that boiled water in the stove and all those clean kitchen towels I washed last night hurry.

What you gonna do kid? Remove the bullets pete there is no exit wounds. Hurry kid....I am dying.

The one that said Yo! He is from New York track him on the street get our cameras on! Bishop any microchip links from camera to cell phones? One Elder Hacker is getting it now. Dad Marcus is gonna be upset. Khallah Marcus is in danger one of them recognized him! For that mater come and tell Hayden and Shiloah to meet us on the Quarry dairy border.

Hurry! Niarchos tossed on his gear Khallah get my bike. Where yo I going dad? To track vampire killers. Grand Alpha can I come? Niarchos looked at his sixteen year old grandson when you turn Kadence you will be stronger then the power of the moon and the strength of the moon will be in your veins mixed with the beauty of a vampire so we wait yes? He looked down Niarchos pushed up his chin head up. We wait yes? Yes Grand Alpha. Niarchos hugged his grandson go now protect the house all the men are gone call Uncle Saint and Chris tell them come home. Lock down the manor until I return yes? Howl let all the wolves know we are on high alert get the rifle papa bought you Kadence. Yes Grand Alpha. Go boy! Kadence ran off. How do you do that dad Carol asked make the kids feel important.

I am not making them feel important daughter they are important they are our future they hold the covens and packs in the palms of thier hands. Yes dad thank you for sharing your wisdom Carol smiled politely. Niarchos hugged Carol go in your room and---

I know lock the panic room in the closet. She kissed baby Khallah walking off. She's so sweet Niarchos said packing his guns. Baby Khallah smiled at his father's approval of his wife.

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