Raise The Roots

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Chapter 70

Chantel Sparkle and Clarence returned bickering through he portal in Gabriel's bedroom. Phone notifications ringing back to back combimed arguing woke her. It was 11 pm she spent the day with Niarchos seeing London sights and shopping in black neighborhoods where wolves and vampires begged for photos and help everywhere they went.

What is wrong? Sorry Grammy Sparkle said sitting next to her wiping her hair out her face. Clarence went in the closet to take off his suit.

The earths said daddy has to agree for mama to take the test because stupid Amanda tried to do a coax spirit spell while pregnant. She coaxed a demon instead of a good spirit who consumed the flesh of the unborn giving it large amounts of power. That's bad Sparkle.

Clarence sat sipping water I had to use warlock magic to contain the demon before he got into one of us. Then destroy it in the flesh he stole from the unborn innocent sending it back to hell he was a low level demon. He shook his head blood like jelly and soft bones rolled down her legs it was horrible. Took months to dismiss the demons spiritual residue out the testing area Sugar.

I recall now so what they don't want Chantel competing because of this incident? Yes mama Chantel said sadly grabbing orange juice from the mini fridge. No Sugar I advocated for her they said yes but Angel has to agree.

Oh lord Gabriel said sipping tea Clarence passed her. Angel has changed since becoming vampire his empathy has wained. The human would say do what you want baby. The vampire? No caring more for the baby then his wife. Sorry Chantel but it is true. It is mama but he has been fair since we reconciled. Gabriel laughed loud baby! None of these vampires are compromising thier seed this fool had me strapped down when I with the Quads.

The three stared at Clarence. Is that true Papa? Sure is Sparkle. Why? Your Grammy threatened to drink something to kill my babies Niarchos caught her with it and said nothing but I knew he tapped his temple. We all know when your Grammy is pregnant she is real hysterical.

Hysterical a word they used in his day to commit women who resist the ways of their husband's. Clarence laughed how about I am your maker an I know you were gonna do it? He popped his fangs at her asserting his dominate. See? See that? There is no discussion when it comes to babies and his son Angel is just like him.

Sparkle laughed. Good then cause vampires aren't meant to have children so why kill them Ms know it all? Clarence ice grilled Gabriel. Stop looking at me that way before I bite you popping her cute fangs.

Is that a promise? Gabriel Chantel and Sparkle laughed Papa you're crazy Chantel held his arm. Papa help me please I waited all my life lost time with my mother to perfect my craft. How can I hold my head up in the Barrios if I don't even try for the spot? It was mama Lozelles dream to see me sit as an Earth. At least let me try Papa please speak with Angel.

Clarence held her hand what are you doing for the earth spell? It can't be a easy spell Chantel you know this yes? Yes Papa let me look at my books I have been writing my potential challenges since I was ten mama Lo made me said when my day comes refer back to what I wrote.

What about you? Clarence stared at Sparkle. Nothing. Sparkle? Clarence demanded her answer with his tone. Raise the roots she mumbled.

What?! Hell no. Yes Papa it is my test. You can kill us all especially in a tree surrounded environment which root? Which tree? Trees hate us. Trees hate you papa you have vampire and human in you the enemies of trees. I am Fae trees adore me. No no no no Sparkle pick something else I mean it! Yes Papa. I mean to leave for my honeymoon incidents stop that so no.

Papa I can't raise roots because you want to go away with Grammy? Sparkle you are my grandbaby I love you but you are petulant with spells and reckless with how they can hurt others. Look what happened with the 1000 year jump?---

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