Portal Pull

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Chapter 74

Okay! Everyone settle down final round now. Hayden, this is where you can redeem yourself. This last round is judged by Pharoah and Queen. This last round is decided soly by them who wins the competition.

What do I have to do Elder Caleb? Oh it's real simple nephew open a portal and pull something from it that both the Queen AND Pharoah will adore. Hayden. Paced the ground filthy dirty. You got this daddy! Winter called out the internet tossing up hearts.

Can my boy open a portal Malcolm? Portal business is funny business. We are about to find out Marcus and he is not a boy he is a man. At what expense? He will always be MY boy as we are pops boys. If he can't control the portal, I will take over Marcus. Clarence sat in the corner sweet talking Gabriel her low giggles made Destiny smile that her grandfather could still charm her after all the years they were together.

Prince Hayden you're up the clock please. You have seven minutes. Hayden exhaled in one minute a portal opened. Wind blew everywhere the children and Malcolm was amazed. Malcolm was shocked because Hayden was pushing his abilities a first for him in Malcolm's eyes. He knew the last round would upset Hayden that he lost forcing him from his comfort zone.

Hayden opened his hand water floated out the portal the water landed in his hand. Hayden closed the portal. His nose bled Malcolm stood watching. Daddy his nose is bleeding this is too much him using his mind to see and this? Princess Destiny are you tossing in the white flag on behalf of your seer husband?

A bloody nose Hayden shook his head no. No Uncle Caleb I trust my husband. The women cheered for her decision to stand by her man. Haden pushed the sludge filled item in his pocket.

Again a portal opened and an item floated out the portal snapping shut as soon as the item floated out. Time! Caleb called. 3.2 minutes Elder Caleb Diva responded. Impressive! Caleb handed him a napkin escorting him to the large wrap around porch.

The cameras were on a tired bloody nose Hayden Marcus gave him a cup of his blood. Thank you dad Hayden gulped the blood down settling himself pulling from his pocket a wet seaweed wrapped slippery item. Clarence chuckled as Hayden lay it in his hand. You lost something great one?

Clarence unwrapped the tiny object he gasped as tears came to his eyes. How did you?---

Hayden grinned. What is it honey? Gabriel wiped Clarence's eyes. My very first wedding band. Queen Safinah and I had been arguing terribly after Rose passed. I was so upset on the way from town one day I pulled it off and tossed it in a revene.  That night she moved out our bedroom suite for seven years.

So many night I wished I could take it back I even had the revene dragged nothing. Clarence slipped the old ring on his wedding finger still fits he showed the world. Thank you Hayden. He stood hugging his grandson as silent tears fell.

Mama Hayden handed her something no way...no way where was it? In the house in Queens the floor boards of the attic where you left it.

She snapped that's where I put it! Everyone laughed with her. Gabriel showed Clarence a button with a black and white photo made from a photo booth of her and her mother Gail she was nine years old. It was 1978.

Look Nicky. He looked at the button Fi and Halo look like you. Yes they do honey. Pop read the inscription I was there when mama had the ring forged. He wiped it with a napkin as best as possible. I love you even in death. S.H.

Clarence trembled handing Gabriel the ring he went inside excuse me. Ember Fire and Marcus went with him. The Phaoroh at a loss for words this is an emotional moment family the ring a wedding ring from Queen Safinah who has long passed. We will return after these sponsors.

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