Ember & Marcus

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Chapter 51

Three Days Prior Georgia Hollings Estate The Big House AKA Gabriel's Heaven.

Whatever grandchildren older ones Seven my sons and daughters go get them. What about Mercy dad? No have her sit with Mama Vy in the kitchen and close the blinds tell her to stay there and you will come back for her. Seven knocked on every dad said get down stairs. Candy man said wake up. Everyone came down on the large wrap around porch. Call Sky on facetime. Seven called a sleeping Sky who was in bed with his girl. What the fuck? Never mind baby bro dad is right Uncle Raven is letting you do what you want. Sky chuckled staring at him a split image of Hayden and Marcus. That smile don't do shot for me Sky get ya ass up and get out that room before dad sees. Seven? What Sky? Dad was married with a baby on the way at fifteen I am almost seventeen bro. The key word is dad was MARRIED to mama are you married Sky? No Seven.

Listen you are growing up to damn fast I love Raven but he has no idea how to raise a blood born vampire male. Did you tell Raven you don't want to train? I did Sky was getting dressed in Balenciaga everything. He tossed on his coven chain ring and diamond studs Marcus gifted him for his tenth birthday.

He tossed on his gold and diamond grills. Why are you wearing grills? Are we going to hunt? No Seven. Then remove the grills you know better letting the world identify us by the gold in our mouths when we kill someone Seven shook his head. Stop wearing them in fact mail them to me. For what? So I can destroy them you've been seen in them. Okay Seven.

Seven opened the porch door all the white slaves were present Raven was on camera Marcus snatched the phone. Good evening brother. Why are you on the phone Raven? I called my son to the phone and all the children of our down lines last I checked that doesn't include you Raven.

I am an Elder and third son of the Pharaoh I have a right to witness anything about our kingdom. You see this shit Seven? I see dad Seven spit on the ground as guards held white vampire slaves at gunpoint holding holy water filled bullets.

Open the Door! The junior guards opened the door. Ember fire followed Marcus to make sure he stayed calm. Marcus went in Clarence's office Ember followed looking at the raised 3D territory landscape of all they acquired and now own during the war.  Marcus had the Hollings crest in 24 kt gold and Italian marble placed in the middle of her fathers floor as a gift which he loved.

Marcus sat inhaling Raven brother... Sky is MY SON he belongs to me I will have no one interfering with the upbringing of a blood born vampire prince. He will train and he will be a warrior that is the Hollings way. That is the way of the vampire this is the way of the blackfeet Indian Raven he said it in Siksika which shocked Sky but not Raven who knew Marcus was an ace of all trades and Clarence raised him to take over. How could he take over and not know every language of all the people he ruled over?

Sky will return home this summer to train to learn to defend himself and the pharaoh. There is no negotiation of this I would like you to stop speaking with my son about other plans because there aren't any. Stop speaking with my son about early marriage. I see what you are doing you are trying to unite the houses through blood bind bond. My son will finish college as all my sons did before taking a wife.

Raven stared in the camera smiling still speaking in ancient black foot. The boy will walk his own path and find his own way Marcus. That is what fueled the fight between Walking Sky and I Raven you allowed Sky to believe he had a chance with Fi when he did not. You allowed him to confuse her thought. You are wrong brother I instructed Walking Sky to leave Fi alone. He chose to peruse her again Walking Sky decided to walk his own path as your son is doing. He does not want to fight.

Marcus slammed his fist on Clarence's desk cracking it. The room grew silent Ember walked behind Marcus now speaking in Siksika taught to her by Safinah. 

You will return home Sky and you will train. We all must defend the crown you are no exception nephew am I clear? Raven cut in no disrespect Raven but the last I checked Marcus is acting Pharaoh and what he says is higher then the word of an Elder. As a blood born princess I am commanding you to cease speaking.  If you have issue with this take it up with Papa. Sky Hollings am I clear? Yes Ember Fire. Yes Auntie. Yes Auntie. Very good we shall see you at the end of the school year and soon in London for the engagement dinner party and photo shoot nephew.

Yes Auntie. Ember shook her head yes ending the call. She took Marcus' phone. Hello Hunter? Yes this is Ember Fire i need you to draw up a pharaoh's order for Elder Raven regarding  prince Sky. Yes a cease and deist he is interfering with the upbringing of a royal something that is non negotiable as per vampire law.

Yes Hunter he will relinquish Prince Sky Marcus Clarence Hollings to train for war and self defense on June 10th. Yes if he fails to deliver the prince on this day place him under arrest for court Marshall before the reigning pharaoh and Queen foe judgement without the elders.  Yes by my order.

Yes, I know he is an Elder Hunter but the current Pharaoh Marcus Hollings is signing the order.  Yes sure hold on Ember handed Marcus the phone. Yes Hunter put the order in both our names and send the papers thank you brother.

Ember hugged Marcus from the back he held her hands we don't argue brother what we say we say once. He will give my nephew up or I will go get him personally you have my word. Marcus kissed her hands oh sister you have a nasty wicked streak like our mother. Thank you that was so sweet Ember kissed the top of his head making him laugh.

Marcus and Ember walked outside Seven called Sky on the phone to watch. Marcus using his caine walking to the top step which one of you are planning an uprising? Don't be sky step forward. Okay who ever tells the tutu gets freedom papers tonight to show the united states under the vampire/human treaty act that I personally set you free. Come on step up.

There are 1500 of you an no one wants to go home? Marcus waved his hand the bought him Clarence's rocker. He sat rocking back and forth. Ember Fire. Yes brother? Who do you think should die?

Ember grinned inny meeny minny mo! Her! Me? No I am innocent the young vampire screamed. The guards dragged her out the line a male vampire reared up pushing a vampire guard Hayden shot the pusher ash and bone dust flew all over the vampires still in line.

STAND DOWN Hayden yelled off the roof of the Big house shooting from the station grip created for him there. The vampires stood still. Marcus nodded Delton bought Darla the saber tooth tiger out. The vampires screamed in fear Ember Fire clapped PITCH HER IN! She yelled at a vampire guard.

Delton let Darla go she snapped the head off in one bite beheading a vampire slave. She mauled the body sinking saber teeth into soft flesh pulling chunks off to get her fill. Blood splattered on all the surrounding slaves who screamed as pandemonium fear and chaos rang through the estate. Ember Fire licked her fingers laughing maniacally.  The seven plus Winter recorded it while Sky chanted praying for the vampires who departed loss soul.

Who started the uprising?!  Marcus gelled hurting sensitive vampire ears around him. 

Clara! A man shouted Clara! Clara! they began to chant. Marcus growled looking at Ember Fire. Fi is gonna be upset you have to put her new dog down big brother. The seven grandchildren laughed wickedly.

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora